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First Quarter
Name _______________________________
World History Test 4
Period _____
Chapter 16 – People and Empires in the Americas
Date _____________________________
Vocabulary (48 points)
Andes Mountains
_________________________________ capital city of the Aztec Empire
_________________________________ a volcanic glass, was a valuable trade item for the Aztecs.
_________________________________ worship of many gods
_________________________________ Southwest Native American apartment-like villages made of stone and adobe
_________________________________ a culture conquers another culture and forces them to live under their rules
_________________________________ whales, timber, jade, land, fresh water, gold
_________________________________ the land between or in the middle of North and South America
_________________________________ bringing water directly to crops from a source such as a river
_________________________________ gold, corn, and jade from the conquered people paid to the Aztecs
10. _________________________________ the throne and power of a ruler is passed down within the same family
11. _________________________________ home of the Inca Empire on the west coast of South America
12. _________________________________ Northwest Coast tribal tradition of showing off how wealthy you were as a family by
giving food, drink and gifts to the community in an elaborate ceremony
Interpreting Charts (40 points)
(use the chart to answer the following questions)
Mesoamerica: Maya 250 - 900
Government by city-state kings
Religion played a major role in
society and rule
Trade links between city-states
and other Mesoamerican groups
Math and astronomy developed to
support religious beliefs
Pyramid builders
Written language used
Mesoamerica: Aztec 1200– 1521
South America: Inca 1400-1532
Government by warrior-kings
Religion played a major role in
society and rule
Trade links between tribute states
and other Mesoamerican groups
Human sacrifices practiced for
religious offerings
Pyramid builders
Pictorial written language
Government by theocracy-sungod-king
Religion played a major role in
society and rule
Social welfare state cared for all
Extensive road system linked the
country together
13. In which of the following ways were the Maya and Aztec similar?
a. both were ruled by city-state kings
b. both used a written language
c. both believed in the Great Spirit
d. both were composed of small tribes
14. Which of the following declined before the Europeans arrived in the Americas?
a. Maya
b. Aztec
c. Inca
d. China
15. Which of the following was true of the Incas?
a. they built a giant pyramid with twin temples at the top
b. they had a written language
c. they had a social welfare state that cared for all their people
d. they worshiped the Great Spirit
16. Which of the following was NOT true of the Aztecs?
a. they were governed by their priests
b. religion played an important part in their society
c. they had trade links with other groups in the Americas
d. they practiced human sacrifice for religious offerings
17. Which of the following was true of the Maya?
a. they were governed by the sun-god king
b. they developed math and astronomy for religious reasons
c. they were governed by warrior kings
d. they had a social welfare state that took care of all people
18. Which of the following lasted for about 132 years?
a. Egyptians
b. Aztecs
c. Mayas
d. Incas
c. Mayas
d. Incas
19. Which of the following used hieroglyphics?
a. North American tribes
b. Aztecs
20. Which of the following developed a transportation system to move from place to place in the Andes Mountains?
a. Muslims
b. Aztecs
c. Mayas
d. Incas
21. Which of the following based their calendar on careful observations of the planets, sun and moon?
a. North American tribes
b. Aztecs
c. Mayas
d. Incas
22. In which of the following did religion play a major role in society and rule?
a. Incas
b. Aztecs
c. Mayas
d. all three
23- 25. Constructed response (12 points) (Choose either A or B)
A. Describe the social class hierarchy of the Aztec culture (be sure to include upper class, noble, commoners, and bottom class)
B. What factors led to the downfall of the Aztec Empire?