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NAME ____________________________________________________ DATE ____________________
CH 8 – Forensic Serology Diagnostic Review
This review will pinpoint the content areas that have been mastered as well as
highlight the material that requires additional study.
If we spend two or more weeks using labs, notes and text to understand the
concepts; then you should be WELL PREPARED to answer MOST of the questions.
If you cannot answer at least ¾ of the review:
1) Review the material at least 20 minutes each evening from the START of each
2) Use the text DAILY to supplement and reinforce the material covered in the
notes, labs and other classroom activities.
3) Come in for EXTRA HELP – whenever there is a question come and get the help
you need ASAP – don’t wait until the night before an assessment or the last
few days of the marking period when it is too late to effect a positive change.
1. Which scientist identified the reason why early blood
transfusions proved fatal before they were finished 90% of
the time?
2. What is the fluid portion of unclotted blood
3. These cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body and carbon dioxide
back to the lungs:
4. What are the proteins on the surface of the answer to question 3 called?
5. Type B individuals have _______________ antigens and _________________ antibodies
in their blood.
6. The D antigen is more commonly known as ________________________________.
7. A type O individual is known as _____________________________________________ for
the recessive A-B-O gene.
8. The liquid that is left after blood clots is known as_______________________________.
9. The term _________________________________________________ describes the study of
antibody-antigen reactions.
10. The term for a POSITIVE antibody-antigen reaction is
11. Type AB blood has A and B _____________________________________________.
12. The FIRST STEP in identifying the source of a red stain at a crime scene is:
A bright pink color change on a cotton swab indicates that
the test pictured here is positive for blood proteins:
14. This test is so sensitive that it can detect traces of blood diluted up to
300,000 times:
15. Type (A +) blood would show “clumping” (as pictured
in “b”) when combined with:
all of the above
none of the above
16. Red stains that have tested positive for blood would then be subjected to this
monoclonal-antibody based test to determine whether it is from a human or
animal source:
17. What information can be obtained from the
evidence pictured to the right?
18. The basic unit of heredity is the ___________________________________________.
19. The sex of a baby is always determined by the __________________________________.
20. List the possible genotypes of a type (A Rh+) individual:
21. DNA is found in which of the following?
All of the above
None of the above
22. What information can be obtained from the
evidence pictured to the right?
23. What can an investigator conclude from the evidence pictured below?
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
24. What type of forensic testing is shown above?
25. Based on the data given, what is your conclusion about Diagram 1 and
Diagram 2?