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Part 2: From goo to the zoo to you???
Evolution v. Intelligent Design
Genesis 1:1
 Macroevolution (speciation): evolving from one species into
 Microevolution (adaptation): natural selection where the fittest
pass on the strongest traits to the next generation so that
species “get better” over time. Species improve over time, but
do not develop into entirely new species.
 Intelligent Design: from cells to the universe, creation is so
intricate and complex that it demonstrates design.
Question #1: What’s Wrong About Evolution?
F ossils: the “oldest” fossil is that of a trilobite; a complex, hard
shell creature. No transitional fossils exist.
A ssumptions: Evolutionists developed their theory by assuming
no Creator exists and, therefore, they assume the only other
plausible explanation is that one creature evolved into another.
L ife: The law of biogenesis as taught in biology class states that
only life can produce life. The odds of non-living chemicals
producing life are the same as one person going anywhere in the
Sahara Desert and randomly picking up a pre-marked grain of
sand, and doing this three times in a row!
S equencing: DNA sequencing reveals that life is locked into its
chromosome count. A mutation causing the absence or addition of
a chromosome would prevent that animal from successfully mating
and passing on a mutation to the next generation (i.e., a monkey
eventually playing Mozart!).
E ngineering: If all life evolved from a single-cell amoeba, the
intricate DNA code of that amoeba would fill 1,000 encyclopedias.
Evolutionary scientists openly admit they have no way of
explaining how life went from simple chemicals to proteins to
basic life forms without intelligent causes.
To embrace Darwinian Evolution, one must believe by faith:
Nothing produces everything;
Non-life produces life;
Randomness produces fine-tuning;
Chaos produces intricately arranged information;
Unconsciousness produces consciousness;
Non-reason produces reason.
To embrace Intelligent Design, one must believe:
 The evidence of Cosmology: only a Creator could begin the
 The evidence of Physics: the planet is incredibly fine-tuned for
 The evidence of Biochemistry: living systems—from singlecell organisms to the human body—are so amazingly complex
that human technology could never produce them; but
accidents can?
 The evidence of DNA: Whenever one finds a sequential
arrangement that is complex and corresponds to an independent
pattern or function (like a book or computer), one should
embrace it as the product of an intelligent design!