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Mr. Jackson
World History
The World History course is a broad view of the history of humanity and cultures. Due to time
constraints, students typically get just a taste of the various cultures and their history from around
the world. The world history curriculum is one which builds connections between world cultures.
World history follows a progression as follows:
Prehistory and Early Man
First civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China)
Greece and Rome
Medieval China and Japan
Medieval Era in Europe
Renaissance and Reformation in Europe
Modern Era
Contact Information: I can be reached either by phone or via e-mail, but e-mail is the best way
for you to reach me and for me to respond in a timely method. Please allow me 24 hours to
[email protected]
Melrose High School: 575-253-4269
Materials: It is your responsibility to come to class prepared to learn which includes having the
proper tools:
Text: World History (McDougal)
Pencils or pens (blue or black ink only)
3ring binder, dividers, notebook paper
Spiral notebook
Grading: Students should always do their best work, complete it on time, and ask questions
when they do not understand.
Tests and quizzes
Tests: Will be announced Quizzes will be announced or unannounced.
Class work: Assignments given during class are expected to be completed by the end of the
class, and may sometimes be completed at home. This will be left to the instructor’s discretion.
Any work that is assigned as homework will be due at the beginning of class the next day unless
otherwise specified by instructor. Late class work assignments will not be accepted unless
worked out with instructor before due date.
Course Outline:
Unit 1: Beginning of Civilization
Unit 2: New Directions in Government and Society
Unit 3: The Age of Exchange
Unit 4: Connecting The World
Unit 5: Absolutism to Revolution
Unit 6: The Race for Empire
Unit 7: The World at War
Unit 8: Perspectives on the Present
Absences/Missed Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the missed work,
complete it and turn it into the instructor. Make-up work, tests and quizzes are the student’s
responsibility and need to be scheduled with the instructor.
Behavior Expectations:
Arrive on time, and come to class prepared to learn (books, paper, pencil, etc.)
Respect yourself and others in the classroom. Do not criticize other people’s thoughts or
ideas. Respect all property, including school, personal and other people’s property.
Cheating or passing someone else’s work as your own will not be tolerated and will
result in a zero for both parties. This includes homework assignments.
No eating or drinking during class.
Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom if you do bring it to class leave them in the
crate by the door if you are caught using your phone during class it will be taken and
given back at the end of class. If this becomes a reoccurring problem further action will
be taken.