Download Mrs. Spencer- World History

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Objectives: The objectives of world history is to gain a better understanding of the world, societies,
governments, and cultures by examining the past through research, cooperative learning, source analysis,
writing, discussion, and lecture.
Instructor: Nora Spencer
Periods: 3rd, 5th
Google Classroom code: e57rfz8
Contact: [email protected]
Advisory Period: Mondays 10:30-11:00, Thursdays 10:50-11:20
Parent/Student communication: The best way to contact me is through email, I check my emails
periodically throughout the day (on school days). I will be posting class notes and assignments on Google
classroom. You will be given the code in class and need to set up an account. You already have a GPS
Gmail setup for you.
Every student is required to keep an interactive notebook for each semester. Notebooks must be brought
to class every day. Notebooks will be spot checked randomly and collected at the end of each unit for
grading. Many of your assignments will be kept in your notebook and organization is essential. Daily
notes will also be kept in your notebook and assessed for a grade.
Supplies Needed
College ruled spiral notebook
Loose leaf paper
Writing utensil (pen or pencils it’s up to you)
Folder or tab in notebook for world history
Quizzes will be given at random and will be open note. Tests and quizzes will be based on material
learned in lectures, collaborative work, discussions, and text. Tests will not be open note and generally
be in the form of multiple choice, true false, short answer, and short essay. Makeup tests and quizzes will
only be given for excused absences.
Homework must be completed and ready to turn in on the due date. Late work will not be accepted.
Missed work must be completed in a timely manner, for every day missed you have a day to make up
your work. In class assignments will always be due at the end of the hour unless I say otherwise. You will
be given plenty of time to complete them, but if you are not working in class you will fall behind. It is
your responsibility to see Mrs. Spencer, check google classroom, or see a classmate for missed work.
If an absence is excused you have one day per excused absence to complete any work assigned. Work
missed due to an unexcused absence will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to get make-up work
or missed notes when you return from an absence. You will be informed of upcoming tests well in
advance. If you miss the day before a test, you will still be required to take the test on the day it is given.
5 times tardy and you will receive a referral. After 10 absences I/administration will meet with you and
determine whether to have administration place you on an attendance contract. (Yes, technically you can
be dropped after 10 absences)
Final Exam
There will be a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester and it will be worth 20% of your
grade. Anything discussed in class is fair game. This is where your Student Notebooks will be most useful
to you. Everything will be in them, it will be up to you to study them.
Grading Scale
HW / Assignments ................................................................................................................ 45%
Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 35%
Final Exam ............................................................................................................................ 20%
A- 90-100%
B- 80-89%
C- 70-79%
D- 60-69%
F- < 60%
Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful of others and of yourself
2. No food, drink, candy, or gum
3. DO NOT argue with the teacher
4. Bring necessary classroom materials
5. Be in your seat when the bell rings; stay in your seat until the bell rings
6. NO CELL PHONES out during class time
Consequences for Violating Classroom Rules
1st Violation: Verbal warning
2nd Violation: Ten minute lunch detention
3rd Violation: Thirty minute lunch detention and parent contact
4th Violation: Parent/student/teacher conference
5th Violation: Office referral
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
As members of the Coyote family, we pride ourselves on our dedication to Community, Values, Honor
and Scholarship. Students are expected to meet specific positive behavioral standards both in and out of
the classroom. These behaviors, such as being respectful and practicing academic honesty, are what make
Campo Verde such an amazing place to learn. During this school year, students will participate in a
school-wide initiative focused on the promotion and reinforcement of the expected standards of behavior.
The contents of this syllabus are subject to change