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1. Which process results in two daughter cells each having the same number of chromosomes as the
parent cell?
a. cell cycle
b. cytokinesis
c. meiosis
d. mitosis
2. How many pairs of chromosomes does a human being have?
a. 23
b. 36
c. 46
d. 48
3. What process accounts for species diversity?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. predation
d. symbiosis
4. If meiosis continues it the case on the right and produces gametes, what
statement concerning their genetic variability would be most accurate?
a. Genetic variability would increase because of insertion.
b. Genetic variability would increase because of crossing over.
c. Genetic variability would decrease because of translocation.
d. There would be no change in the genetic variability in this case.
5. Carol and Joseph have freckles and curly red hair. All of their children, except one, also have freckles
and curly red hair. Their son, Sam, has the same curly red hair but not one freckle! How can a child get a
chromosome that is totally different from the original chromosomes of the parents?
a. gene flow
b. genetic drift
c. crossing over
d. natural selection
6. The organism shown in the drawing usually reproduces through the ___
process called binary fission.
a. asexual
b. heterosexual
c. isosexual
d. sexual
7. Two heterozygous purple flowering pea plants are crossed. If purple is
dominant over white, what are the expected phenotypic results?
a. 100% purple
b. 75% purple, 25% white
c. 50% purple, 50% white
8. Bacteria reproduce asexually by ___.
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. conjugation
d. 25% purple, 75% white
d. binary fission
9. A single strand of DNA contains the following nine nucleotides in this order: ACT TAT GGA. What
sequence of bases will be present on the complementary strand of DNA?
10. Cold case files recently began re-investigating an old murder case. The
murder took place in the park; a young man, James, was hit over the head with
a brick and killed. Police suspected the jealous former boyfriend of James’
wife, Karen. Whoever killed James may have washed their hands in a nearby
bird bath as detectives found blood in the bird bath. Since the murder took
place before DNA fingerprinting, was available, the suspected killer, Ronnie,
went free. Detectives are now reviewing the blood evidence using DNA
fingerprinting. Based on the DNA fingerprints of all possible suspects, who is
James’ killer?
a. Babs
b. Aubrey
c. Karen
d. Ronnie
11. A dominant gene that codes for red eye color in fruit flies is represented by the symbol W, while the
recessive white eye gene is represented by the symbol w. If a parent fly with the genotype WW is
crossed with a parent of the genotype Ww, what percentage of the offspring will have red eyes?
a. 100%
b. 75%
c. 50%
d. 25%
12. During the early stages of meiosis, two chromosomes in a homologous pair may exchange segments,
producing genetic variation in sex cells. The process of exchange is called ___.
a. transcription
b. crossing over
c. nondisjunction
d. genetic shuffling
13. The process of ___ increases genetic variability as it produces gametes for sexual reproduction.
a. conjugation
b. meiosis
c. mitosis
d. replication
14. Many farmers now grow insect-resistant varieties of cotton. The gene for the favorable trait, in this
case, insect resistance, is transferred to the cotton's DNA using ___.
a. viral vectors
b. tissue culture
c. bacterial plasmids
d. invitro fertilization
15. When viewing a human karyotype to detect genetic disorders, which situation would indicate a
genetic problem?
a. two X chromosomes
b. 3 chromosomes in any one set c. 23 pairs of chromosomes
d. different chromosomes of different lengths
16. All of the following circumstances, except ___, can produce new combinations of genetic traits in
sperm and eggs that are different from the parents.
a. errors during meiosis
b. errors during mitosis
c. crossing over during meiosis
d. mutations due to exposure to chemicals
17. The map shows concentrations of ozone around the world. Ozone
shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet light rays from the sun, which
cause skin cancers. Aerosol pollutants have reduced levels of ozone by
reacting with the ozone. According to the map, what country might
have the highest rate of skin cancers?
a. United States
b. Argentina
c. England d. Japan
18. Why is the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide dangerous?
a. Carbon dioxide inhibits the escape of heat from Earth’s atmosphere.
b. Carbon dioxide inhibits rainfall causing long droughts.
c. Carbon dioxide prevents plants from photosynthesizing.
d. Carbon dioxide is highly toxic if inhaled.
19. The graph shows the tolerance range of some common
freshwater organisms to different pH ranges in water. If a bar
is present at a certain pH, this means the organism can live
there. Which organism would be most sensitive to acid rain?
a. bass
b. clams
c. frogs
d. mayflies
20. Which biome typical of Africa is home to many grazing animals?
a. desert
b. savanna c. taiga
d. tundra
21. What is the best description of the difference between predation and parasitism?
a. Predation and parasitism are largely the same.
b. Predators are always larger than their victims, while parasites are always smaller than their victims.
c. Predators typically kill their victim, while parasites mostly want to keep the victim alive for continued
d. Parasites feed slowly, and kill their victim slowly, but intentionally, while predators quickly kill their prey
and eat their fill.
22. Lichens represent a symbiotic relationship between algae and ___.
a. fungi
b. diatoms
c. protests
d. microscopic animals
23. Which of these is produced when fossil fuels are burned?
a. oxygen
b. nitrogen c. hydrogen d. carbon dioxide
24. Many plants have thorns on their stems or leaves. What is the most likely explanation for the
evolution of thorns?
a. Thorns help plants produce more food from photosynthesis.
b. Thorns are an example of a mutation that arises in the genetic code of plants.
c. Thorns help plants to conserve resources like water and soil nutrients that may be used by other
d. Thorns are an adaptation that some plants have evolved in order to discourage herbivores from eating
the plant.
25. All of the statements about the the nitrogen cycle are true EXCEPT one. That is ___.
a. lightning adds extra nitrogen molecules to the atmosphere and the cycle.
b. adding man-made fertilizers to farm fields adds excess nitrogen to the cycle.
c. bacteria located in the soil trap excess nitrogen and help to remove it from plant roots.
d. although nitrogen is the most abundant atmospheric gas, plants cannot use it from the air.
26. Which of the following is not a part of aerobic cellular respiration?
a. electron transport
b. glycolysis
c. Calvin Cycle
d. Krebs Cycle
27. Use the dichotomous key to identify the order of the insect shown.
A1) Insect has one pair of wings -> go to B
A2)Insect has two pairs of wings -> go to C
B1) Insect has a rounded abdomen with no hairs -> Diptera
B2) Insect has 2-3 hairs coming from abdomen -> Ephemeroptera<
C1) Front wings & back wings have similar texture -> go to D
C2)Frong wings serve as a cover for clear hind wings -> go to E
D1) Wings covered with powdery scales. Mouth is straw-like -> Lepidoptera
D2) Wings are not covered with scales. Mouth is not tube-like -> go to F
E1) Wings are covered with hairs -> Trichoptera
E2)Wings are not covered with hairs -> Neuroptera
F1) Both pairs of wings are similar in size and shape. Abdomen is long -> Odonata
F2) Front pair of wings is larger. Abdomen is short -> Hymenoptera
The insect is a member of the Order
a. Ephemeroptera b. Hymenoptera
c. Lepidoptera
d. Odonata
28. In yeast cells, the process that occurs when there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration is
called ___.
a. fermentation
b. mastication
c. phagocytosis
d. transcription
29. Animals such as bears that consume both plants and other animals are referred to as ___.
a. cannibals
b. carnivores
c. herbivores
d. omnivores
30. Despite their differences in appearance, all bony fish have common ancestors. Their fins develop
from similar structures and usually have a prescribed number of bones. Because of this, the large rudderlike dorsal fin of a sailfish, the poisonous dorsal fin of a catfish, and the tiny reduced dorsal fin of a puffer
fish are said to be ________ structures.
a. vestigial
b. analogous
c. homologous
d. evolutionary
31. Which group of organisms known as blue-green algae produces energy from sunlight?
a. chemoautotrophs b. cyanobacteria
c. methanogens
d. spirochaetes
32. Living cells use ___ as their main source of energy.
a. carbohydrates
b. cellulose
c. lipids
d. proteins
33. A(n) ___ represents the relative amount of energy in the different trophic levels of an ecosystem.
a. food web
b. biomass pyramic
c. ecological pyramid
d. biodiversity pyramid
34. CO2 is returned to the atmosphere by all methods except:
a. combustion
b. decomposition
c. photosynthesis
d. respiration
35. What is the source of all energy for producers and consumers?
a. oxygen
b. plants
c. sunlight
d. water
36. On a small swampy island off of the coast of Maine, mosquito larvae, which
feed on algae, are eaten by Atlantic salmon. In turn, the salmon are eaten by
black bears. The black bears are ___.
a. producers b. herbivores c. primary consumers d. tertiary consumers
37. Three of these processes normally consume oxygen. Which process produces
a. combustion
c. photosynthesis in plants
b. respiration in animals
d. operation of an acetylene torch
38. In cells, __________ are proteins that are needed to lower the
amount of energy required to start chemical reactions.
a. acids
b. enzymes
c. products
d. substrates
39. According to the pyramid, which organism(s) have the most
available energy?
a. predator fish
b. birds and mammals
c. insects and zooplankton
d. phytoplankton and bacteria
40. The two main processes by which plant cells absorb, release, and use energy are ___.
a. fermentation and respiration
b. digestion and photosynthesis
c. photosynthesis and respiration
d. aerobic and anaerobic respiration
41. One major difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cells are the only ones with ___.
a. cellulose
b. lysosomes
c . nuclei
d. vacuoles
42. The name Homo sapiens is written in ___, according to the Linnean system of classification.
a. Latin taxonomic b. Greek taxonomic c. Latin binomial nomenclature d. Greek binomial nomenclature
43. Cells use ___ to power its cellular processes.
a. ATP
b. ESP
c. STP
d. UPS
44. This part of the cell stores wastes, water, or food.
a. lysosome
b. mitochondria
c. ribosome
d. vacuole
45. In the picture to the right, the organelle depicted is a ___.
a. chloroplast
b. leucoplast
c. mitochondrion
d. stroma
46. Contact lens solution is balanced with the salts in the cells of the eye at
about 0.9% salt to about 99.1% water. Contact lens solution is said to be a(n)
____ solution.
a. hypertonic
b. hypotonic
c. isotonic
d. osmotic
47. Jim is in a crowd of people at the mall looking for his girlfriend Tammy, who was supposed to meet
him for dinner. Jim realizes Tammy is across the room as he catches a whiff of her overpowering
perfume, 'Paris #6'. Which process explains why Jim is able to smell the perfume?
a. osmosis
b. diffusion
c. active transport
d. facilitated diffusion
48. Large molecules, like glucose, enter cells by ___.
a. diffusion through the cell membrane
b. diffusion through protein channels in the cell membrane
c. endocytosis, when the cell engulfs the particles with pseudopods
d. active transport, when the cell pumps large molecules in through the membrane
49. Cells often store materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates in sac-like structures called
a. chloroplasts
b. lysosomes
c. mitochondria
d. vacuoles
50. Which type of RNA carries a genetic code from DNA to the ribosome?
a. mRNA
b. qRNA
c. rRNA
d. tRNA
51. The cellular process in which materials are moved across a membrane from an area of low
concentration to an area of high concentration is called ___.
a. osmosis
b. simple diffusion
c. active transport
d. passive transport
52. Diffusion, osmosis, and active transport are all methods by which a cell ___.
a. maintains homeostasis b. creates energy
c. removes waste d. reproduces
53. A plant has been removed from its natural environment and placed into a body of water that
contains a higher concentration of salt than the inside of each plant cell. The plant promptly wilts. This
situation is most similar to which event?
a. seaweed put into fresh water
b. a land plant put into tap water
c. a freshwater plant put into sea water d. a freshwater plant put into distilled water
54. Immature bone cells, or osteoblasts, manufacture a protein
called osteoid as well as several hormones. Because of this, we
would expect osteoblasts to contain numerous ___.
a. nuclei b. ribosomes c. lysosomes d. Golgi bodies
55. What is the function of a cell’s selectively permeable plasma
a. It helps the cell to manufacture proteins.
b. It regulates the amount of ATP the cell produces.
c. It regulates what materials enter and leave the cell.
d. It packages and stores most of the material in a cell.
56. Which compound is a carbohydrate?
a. sugar
b. water
c. olive oil
d. amino acid
57. Which process moves water molecules across the
membrane of a cell?
a. diffusion b. endocytosis c. exocytosis d. osmosis
58. What type of biomolecule (in the picture to the right) is
being produced at the ribosome?
a. lipid
b. protein
c. carbohydrate
d. nucleic acid
B—DNA nucleotide
Place the components in order form smallest to largest.
a. A—B—C—D
b. B—C—D—A
c. C—D—B—A
d. D—C—B—A
60. Pickles are cucumbers preserved in a brine solution containing dill, alum, and salt. Cucumbers shrink
to a fraction of their normal size in the pickle jar. This happens because of the relative salt content of the
pickling solution, which is a(n) ___ solution.
a. osmotic
b. hypotonic
c. isotonic
d. hypertonic
61. A person starts to eat a hamburger. As she takes a bite and chews, an enzyme called salivary lipase
helps to begin the process of digestion. Which of these is the BEST description of the role of enzymes in
a. Enzymes are acids that physically break down food molecules.
b. Enzymes moisten food to help teeth in the mechanical process of grinding and chewing.
c. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the process of chemically breaking down food molecules.
d. Enzymes are cells that secrete saliva and other necessary substances needed for digestion.
62. Which type of nucleic acid is responsible for the transmission of information from the genetic code in
the nucleus to the ribosome?
a. DNA
b. mRNA
c. rRNA
d. tRNA
63. According to cladogram on the right, which 2 groups are more
closely related?
a. lizards and birds
b. snakes and birds
c. crocodiles and lizards
d. snakes and lizards
64. Peppered moths vary in color from light gray to almost black. The color of any moth depends on how
many black spots are found on its wings. The name "peppered" refers to these black spots. During the
day, the moths rest on trees. In England where the moths live, many light gray trees were covered with
soot that came from the smoke stacks of factories. The trees got darker and darker from the soot. Over
time the peppered moth population in polluted areas ___.
a. will become extinct
c. will probably stay the same
b. will become darker in color
d. will become lighter in color
65. Place the developments in evolutionary history in the proper time frame.
I) Charles Darwin writes 'On the Origin of Species'.
II) LaMarck writes about evolution through acquired traits, using a giraffe as his model.
III) DNA sequencing is developed, allowing the comparison of the genes of different organisms.
IV) Malthus writes about how mankind will exhaust its food supply due to reproducing too often.
a. IV, II, I, III
b. I, II, IV, III
c. II, I, IV, III
d. II, I, III, IV
66. During the rainy months in Africa, temporary pools of water form. One fish species, the snakehead
fish, is able to walk, using pectoral fins, from pool to pool. Other fish in the same area cannot travel from
pool to pool. During the dry season, the pools gradually disappear. If the climate in Africa remains the
same as described, what would you MOST LIKELY expect to see after many years?
a. The snakehead fish will develop legs and feet.
b. The snakehead fish will replace the other fish species.
c. The snakehead fish will walk to another part of Africa
d. The non-walking fish will learn to use their fins to walk.
67. An earthquake causes a huge canyon to form, permanently dividing a population of wild donkeys.
On the west side of the canyon, dry conditions develop and grasses grow. On the east side of the canyon,
rainfall is frequent and a forest grows. Which of the following is LEAST likely to happen over the course
of 100,000 years?
a. Two new species of donkeys will form.
b. Donkeys from the grassy side could develop zebra striping for camouflage.
c. The two populations of donkeys will remain physically identical in both areas.
d. Over a long time, even if introduced to each other, donkeys from the grassy side of the canyon, will not
be able to reproduce with donkeys on the forest side.
68. Cells store the energy produced from cellular respiration in small easy-to-access nucleotides called
a. DNA
b. mRNA
c. ATP
d. tRNA
69. Everglades National Park has a very large population of white-tailed deer. Which of these
environmental changes is MOST LIKELY to harm only weaker, older deer, but not younger and healthier
a. a drought which decreases the food supply
b. a slight increase in the Florida panther population
c. a fire that burns thousands of acres of the Everglades
d. a large increase in the number of cars driving through the Everglades
70. Suppose a species of nonpoisonous snake is dark-colored, and a
species of poisonous snake is brightly colored. Predators recognize the
bright colors of the poisonous snake and stay away from it, but they
frequently feast on the nonpoisonous snake. Some nonpoisonous
snakes, like the king snake look a lot like a poisonous variety. In this
case, the king snake looks like the deadly coral snake. The king snake is
not attacked by predators and survives. This adaptation which allows
for natural selection is called ___.
a. mimicry b. evolution
c. camouflage
d. variation
71. Which term describes body structures in different organisms that have different outward
appearances but develop from the same embryonic tissues?
a. analogous
b. homologous
c. remedial
d. vestigial
72. Evolution and natural selection are necessary for ___.
a. the preservation of natural habitats
b. the short-term survival of individual organisms
c. the long-term survival of an entire species of organisms
d. successful reproduction of a species with other members of that species.
73. Cyanobacteria are important to the evolution and advancements of other life on Earth because
scientists think they
a. were the first life form on Earth
b. produced oxygen from photosynthesis
c. were the first group of organisms to leave a fossil record.
d. were thought to have become mitochondria in the cells of animals
74. The picture below depicts how scientists theorize how some eukaryotes gained chloroplasts and
mitochondria by drawing in
other simpler cells and
establishing a mutual
relationship between the
two. This idea is called the:
a. Exosymbiotic Theory
b. Heterotrophic Theory
c. Consumer Theory
d. Endosymbiotic Theory
75. In eukaryotic cells, mitochondria carry out
a. cellular respiration
b. fermentation
c. photosynthesis
d. active transport
EOCT Practice II 75 Questions Answer Key
1. D Mitosis
2. A 23pairs
3. B Meiosis→Diversity
4. B Crossing Over
5. C Crossing Over
6. A Asexual=1 parent
7. B Pp x Pp = 75% Purple
8. D Binary Fission
9. 9. D
10. C Karen
11. A 100%
12. B Crossing Over
13. B
14. A Viral Vectors
15. B 3 sets of Chromosomes
16. B Mitosis does not involve
17. Bad Question
18. A
19. C Frogs
20. B Savanna
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. A
26. B Glycolysis
27. C
28. A Fermentation
29. D Omnivores
30. C Homologous
31. B Cyanobacteria
32. A Carbs
33. C
34. C
35. C
36. D
37. C
38. B Enzymes
39. D
40. C
41. A Cell Walls contain
42. C
43. A ATP=batteries to power
cellular activities
44. D Vacuoles= storage
45. A
46. B Hypotonic=mostly water
47. B
48. D
49. D
50. A
51. C low→high requires
energy = active transport
52. A
53. A
54. B Ribosomes build proteins
55. C
56. A
57. D Osmosis
58. B
59. B
60. D
61. C
62. B
63. D
64. B
65. A
66. B
67. C
68. C
69. B
70. A
71. B
72. C
73. A
74. D
75. A