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Name: _________________________
Multiple Choice. Choose the most correct answer for each, answer in the space provided. [17]
_____ 1. When a person sweats and does not drink enough fluid:
a) less reabsorption of water occurs
c) the pituitary gland releases ADH
b) urine will become less concentrated
d) all of the above
______2. The nitrogen that must be secreted comes from:
a) the metabolic breakdown of
c) the deamination of proteins
d) the atmosphere
b) the nitric buffer system
______3. Which of the following describes a positive feedback reaction?
a) Oxytocin is released causing the uterus to contract releasing more oxytocin
b) Low blood pressure causes ADH to be released causing water to be retained by the kidneys
c) A fever causes sweat to be released to the skin
d) All of the above
The following table shows the results of an experiment with a functioning mammalian kidney
In Bowman’s Capsule
In Urine
0.1 g/L
0.1 g/L
0.0 g/L
1.0 g/L
1.3 g/L
0.0 g/L
Refer to the above table for the next three questions.
______4. Substance X was likely:
a) reabsorbed
b) not reabsorbed, not secreted
c) reabsorbed and secreted
d) secreted, not filtered through glomerulus
e) not reabsorbed and secreted
______5. Substance Y was likely:
a) reabsorbed
b) not reabsorbed, not secreted
c) reabsorbed and secreted
d) secreted, not filtered through glomerulus
e) not reabsorbed and secreted
______6. Substance Z is most likely:
a) glucose
b) urea
c) proteins
______7. Antidiuretic hormone causes:
a) the urine to become more concentrated
b) the urine to become less concentrated
c) more urine to be excreted
d) blood pressure to decrease
______8. Dendrites carry nerve impulses:
a) towards the cell body
b) away from the cell body
c) across the synapse
d) to the effector
d) toxins
______9. Co-ordination of motor activities in mammals is a function of the:
a) cerebellum
c) pons
b) cerebrum
d) medulla oblongata
______10. In a resting neuron the potassium ions are:
a) in equal concentration outside and inside
b) in greater concentration inside the neuron
c) in greater concentration outside the neuron
d) negatively charged
______11. The target cells for Follicle Stimulating Hormone are found in the:
a) pancreas
c) hypothalamus
b) ovaries
d) pituitary gland
______12. The adrenal medulla secretes which of the following?
a) acetylcholine
b) cortisol
c) epinephrine
d) cortisone
_____13. Exocytosis is used by the synaptic vesicles to remove their contents at which of the
a) dendrite
d) postsynaptic membrane
b) axon
e) presynaptic membrane
c) nodes of Ranvier
______14. Given the steps shown below, which is the correct sequence for transmission at a
chemical synapse?
neurotransmitter binds with receptor
calcium ions rush into neuron’s cytoplasm
action potential depolarizes the presynaptic membrane
ion gate opens to allow particular ion to enter cell
synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft
a) I, II, III, IV, V
c) III, II, V, I, IV
e) V, I, II, IV, III
b) II, III, V, IV, I
d) IV, III, I, II, V
______15. The autonomic division of the nervous system:
a) is involved in conscious thought
d) controls voluntary muscles
b) is involved in learning
e) all of the above
c) controls unconscious life-sustaining
______16. Parasympathetic stimulation would result in which of the following?
a) Increased breathing rate
c) increased heart rate
b) pupil dilation
d) decreased breathing rate
______17. Integration of simple responses to certain stimuli, such as the knee jerk response, is
accomplished by which of the following?
a) spinal cord
c) corpus callosum
e) medulla oblongata
b) hypothalamus
d) cerebellum
Match the lettered items with the correct statement below. [10]
a) Ectotherm
c) Reabsorption
b) Positive feedback
d) Deamination
e) Glomerulus
f) Endoderm
_____ 21. nutrients move from renal tubules to blood vessels
_____22. increases in intensity of response to stimulus
_____23. removal of amino group from amino acid
_____24. capillary bed which filters the blood
_____25. depend on air temperature to regulate body
a) Growth hormone
b) Insulin
c) Epinephrine
d) Thyroxine
_____26. stimulates the development of sperm
_____27. increases the absorption of glucose by cells
_____28. regulates metabolism
_____29. regulates the development of long bones
_____30. produced in times of stress
e) Testosterone
f) Calcitonin
Label the following diagrams [6].
a) ______________
d) _____________
j) ______________
b) ______________
e) _____________
h) ______________
k) ______________
c) ______________
f) _____________
i) ______________
L) ______________
Answer the following on the foolscap provided.
31. Why is a sharp blow to the lower back part of the skull extremely dangerous? [2]
32. Describe why negative feedback is preferable to positive feedback in most situations. [2]
33. Stepping on a tack is likely to stimulate a reflex arc. Describe the parts of a reflex arc and the
advantages of having messages transmitted in this fashion. [2]
32. Identify four differences between the blood entering the kidney and the blood leaving the kidney.
33. Body temperature in endotherms is generally maintained within a narrow range. Describe two
situations where this is not the case. Explain how the body attempts to protect itself in these
situations. [4]
Hypothermia (not hyperthermia) - when body temperature drops below normal levels. The body
shivers in an attempt to create more heat to stay warm. You may also notice that you have to pee
when you get really cold as your body attempts to get rid of water to concentrate your blood, making it
more difficult to freeze
BONUS – Can an ectotherm have a fever? [1]