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Psychology Fall Study Guide
Define the following Terms
1. Achievement Test
2. Aptitude Test
3. Archetype
4. Behaviorist
5. Conditioned Response
6. Conditioned Stimulus
7. Cultural Bias
8. Decay
9. Defense Mechanisms
11.Emotional Intelligence
13. ID
15. Introvert
21.Sleep Apnea
23.Unconditioned Response
24.Unconditioned Stimulus
1. Psychology is defined as
2. A person suffering from depression would most likely be treated by a(n)
a. clinical psychologist
b. experimental psychologist
b. social psychologist
d. developmental psychologist
3. Which of the following routinely works within the criminal justice system?
a. health psychologist
b. consumer psychologist
c. forensic psychologist
d. industrial psychologist
4. What kind of psychologist would you be if you worked in a laboratory and researched
various issues?
a. Clinical
b. Forensic c. Organizational
d. Experimental
5. The type of consciousness we experience when we are conscious of external sensation is
a. sensory awareness. b. direct inner awareness.
c. self-consciousness.
d. dream time.
6. Many of our basic biological functions, such as breathing (converting O to CO2), exist at
a. preconscious level.
b. unconscious level.
c. self-consciousness level.
d. nonconscious level.
7. A traumatic memory such as our very own birth would be found at the
a. preconscious level.
b. unconscious level.
c. self-consciousness level.
d. nonconscious level.
8. Sleepwalking in children is probably caused by
a. an inability to fall into a deep sleep.
c. stimulants such as coffee or sugar..
b. immaturity of the nervous system.
d. all of the above.
9. Role theory suggests that people who are hypnotized
a. revert to childish behavior.
b. are faking it to please other observers.
c. believe what they are doing is real. d. alter their state of consciousness through
10. B. F. Skinner’s experiments on rats and pigeons yielded information about
a. operant conditioning.
b. counterconditioning.
c. classical conditioning.
d. all of the above.
11. Albert Bandura is associated with what kind of learning?
a. Operant Conditioning
b. Observational Learning
c. Classical Conditioning
d. Shaping
12. In Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, what was the conditioned response?
a. The bell ringing and getting no reaction.
b. The food causing the dog to start to
c. The bell causing the dog to start to salivate.
d. None of the above.
13. In Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, what was the unconditioned response?
a. The bell ringing and getting no reaction.
b. The food causing the dog to start
to salivate.
c. The bell causing the dog to start to salivate.
d. None of the above.
14. In Pavlov’s experiments with dogs, what was the unconditioned stimulus?
a. The bell. b. The food
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
15. In John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s experiment, “Little Albert” began to fear all
objects that were white and furry because of
a. discrimination.
b. systematic desensitization.
c. generalization.
d. all of the above.
16. Jordan is not eating his vegetables. He hates string beans. Dad is pestering him to eat his
vegetables. To stop the pestering, Jordan begins to eat his dinner. This is an example of
a. Positive Reinforcement
b. Negative Reinforcement
c. Positive Punishment
d. Negative Punishment
17. Joey gets in trouble in school for talking. Mom and Dad take away his Xbox 360 for a
week. Joey doesn’t talk anymore at school. This is an example of
a. Positive Reinforcement
b. Negative Reinforcement
c. Positive Punishment
d. Negative Punishment
18. Bart Simpson has to write on the board “I shall not yell fire in a crowded room” one
hundred times. He never does it again. This is an example of
a. Positive Reinforcement
b. Negative Reinforcement
c. Positive Punishment
d. Negative Punishment
19. An example of a secondary reinforcer would be
a. Food
b. Air
c. Money
20. The skills needed for riding a bicycle are stored as
a. procedural memories b. episodic memories
d. Shelter
c. generic memories
d. echoic
21. Facts learned in classes at school become part of the
a. procedural memories b. episodic memories
c. generic memories
d. echoic
22. Studying for a test in the same room in which it will be held my result in a better grade
because of
a. iconic memory
b. state- dependent memory
c. context- dependent memory
d. sensory memory
23. The average person can hold in short- term memory a list of
a. 2 items b. 15 items c. 7 items d. 10 items
24. We can easily remember bits of information by organizing them into mental representations
of the world called
a. icons
b. echoes
c. mnemonic devices
d. schemas
25. The easiest of the three basic memory tasks is
a. recall
b. recognition
c. relearning
d. chunking
26. An essay test shows a student’s mastery of a subject because of the process of
a. recall
b. recognition
c. relearning
d. chunking
27. Most people forget things because of the normal process of
a. maintenance and elaborative rehearsal
b. interference and decay
c. repression and amnesia
d. chunking and schema
28. Infantile amnesia is probably the result of
a. the immaturity of the hippocampus
c. the present- oriented nature of infants
b. undeveloped language abilities
d. all of the above
29. According to Herman Ebbinghaus’ experiments, a person’s ability to recall a list of words
decrease dramatically
a. seven minutes after learning the list
b. during the first hour after hearing the list
c. two hours after learning the list
d. one day after learning the list
30. Intelligence involves the ability to
a. learn from experience.
c. deal effectively with the environment.
b. think rationally.
d. do all the above.
31. Someone with the genetic disorder Down Syndrome would be classified as what level
of Intellectual Disability?
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Severe
d. Profound
32. The distribution of IQ scores on a graph looks like
a. a downward spiral. b. a bell curve.
c. an “S” shape.
d. an upward
33. Kinship studies have shown that the groups with the most similar IQ scores were
a. parents and children.
b. brothers and sisters.
c. identical twins.
d. fraternal twins.
34. The home environment and styles of parenting
a. have no effect on a child’s intellectual functioning.
b. influence the development of a child’s intelligence.
c. are the most important influence on a child’s intelligence.
d. can cause a child’s mental retardation.
35. The Seattle study found that intelligence can be maintained among older adults if they
a. have flexible personalities.
b. attend cultural events.
c. have an intact family life.
d. all of the above.
36. Most adoptee studies show that the IQs of adopted children are like those of their
a. biological parents
b. adoptive parents
c. biological siblings
d. adoptive siblings
37. The _________ was originally developed to help diagnose psychiatric disorder
b. Myers-Briggs test
c. Rorschach test
d. TAT
38. Which of the following asks participants to tell stories about vague pictures?
b. Myers-Briggs test
c. Rorschach test
d. TAT
39. In the movie I Am Sam, Sam named his daughter after what Beatles song?
a. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band b. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
c. Elanor Rigby
d. Lady Madonna
40. How do meditation and biofeedback work?
a. Biofeedback trains the person to gather their thoughts and breathe through stressful
situations. Meditation allows a person to imagine more ideal situations.
b. Meditation brings the mind to a state of REM sleep and bio feedback allows
psychologists to measure breathing patterns.
c. Mediation focuses on peaceful stimuli to narrow consciousness and promote
relaxation. Biofeedback training helps people create alpha brainwaves and relax.
d. Biofeedback allows the person to train their bodily functions because they can be
measured. Meditation enables the person to store memories in their subconscious
41.What are some of the health problems associated with deep sleep apnea?
a. High blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity
b. Weight loss, visual impairments, anxiety, depression
c. Anxiety, depression, weight loss, hair loss
d. Obesity, high blood pressure, night terrors, insomnia
42.Define consciousness
a. Focusing on a particular stimulus and thinking about it
b. The awareness of things that are both inside and outside ourselves
c. When a person’s sense of self or sense of the world changes
d. Ideas that are not in your mind right now but you could recall them
43.Why is consciousness a psychological construct?
a. Because it is not something that can be seen or touched, or measured directly
b. Because free association is no longer used in psychology
c. Because not everyone has a conscious
d. Consciousness is not measured in psychology by any psychologist
Midterm Essays: use the 2 chosen by the teacher and write one FULL Paragraph for each.
One full page, total.
Discuss the four goals of psychology and provide an example of each.
Identify the five stages of sleep. Give a description about what is happening physically and
mentally at each stage.
Create an operant learning experiment that would teach a young child not to go near the family’s
swimming pool alone. Use positive and negative reinforcement and punishment.
Identify 3 normal and 3 extreme types of forgetting. Be sure to describe the reasons for each of them
Describe the characteristics of people with mental retardation. Be specific in describing their
abilities and disabilities at the four levels. Also explain two possible causes.