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25. What muscles attach to the mastoid process?
Longissimus capitus
Splenius capitis
26. Cremaster m. - raises and lowers the testicles, slip off of the IAO muscle as the testicles travel through it shortly before a male
infant is born. ( Story: Mike Shiley, Dr. G’s teacher at Purdue: “What is the most important muscle to a male dog jumping a barbed
wire fence?” )
28. What mm attach to the atlas?
Levator scapulae
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Splenius cervicis
Obliquus capitis inferior
Obliquus capitis superior
29. What mm attach to the axis C2
Levator scapulae
Obliquus capitis inferior m
Rectus capitis posterior major m. (/)
Splenius cervicis
Spinalis Cervicis
30. MM with tendinous inscriptions on their belly
31. Trapezius m.
O: medial 1/3 of the superior nuchal line, EOP, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T12
I: lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
A: 3 primary functions: superior fibers elevate scapula, inferior fibers depress and middle fibers retract (adduct)
scapula, hyperextends the neck and braces the shoulder and stabilizes it.
I: spinal roots of the accessory nerve CN XI, ventral rami of C3 and C4
32. Levator scapulae m. – origin and insertion can flip flop!
O: TP’s of C1-C4
I: superior portion of the medial border of the scapula
A: elevate scapula, flex neck
I: dorsal scapular n. (C5)
33. MM that laterally rotate the shoulder
teres minor
34. MM that attach to the clavicle
pec major
35. Pectoralis major m.
N 395
O: clavicular head - anterior surface med. 1/3 clavicle
sternal head - manubrium and body of sternum
abdominal head - costal cartilages of ribs 2-6
I: lateral lip of intertubercular groove
A: flexes, adducts and rotates humerus medially
I: medial (C8, T1) and lateral (C5,6,7) pectoral nerves
36. Biceps brachii m.
O: long head - supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
short head - coracoid process of scapula
I: radial tuberosity, blends into fascia of medial forearm
A: flex elbow and supinate forearm
I: musculocutaneous n. (C5,6,7)
37. Thenar eminence
Thenar - fleshy mass on the lateral side of the palm
38. Brachialis m.
O: anterior body of the humerus
I: coronoid process of ulna, ulnar tuberosity
A: flexes the elbow joint
I: musculocutaneous (C5,6,7) and radial (C5,6,7,8,T1) nerves
39. Brachioradialis m.
O: lateral supracondylar crest of humerus
I: distal aspect of radius, proximal to styloid process
A: flexes the elbow joint
I: radial n. (C5,6,7,8,T1)
40. Iliacus m.
O: iliac fossa
I: lesser trochanter of the femur
A: flex thigh, rotate hip laterally, flex spine if the thigh is stationary, then O/I flip flop
I: femoral n. (L2,3,4)
N 462
Psoas major m.
O: transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae
I: lesser trochanter of femur
A: flex thigh and rotate hip laterally, flex spine
I: spinal nerves L2 and L3
41. Gluteus maximus m.
O: iliac crest, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament, aponeurosis of lumbar region
I: gluteal tuberosity and iliotibial tract
A: extend and rotate the thigh laterally, primary extensor of the thigh ( in some people the hamstring is primary)
I: inferior gluteal n. (L5,S1,S2)
42. Rectus femoris m. O: AIIS, lip of the acetabulum
I: base of the patella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
A: extend knee because it crosses the knee, flex the thigh
43. MM that flex the knee
Biceps femoris brevus and longus
44. Piriformis m. –
O: anterior surface of sacrum between S2 and S4
I: superior border of the greater trochanter
A: laterally rotate, extend thigh, abduct flexed thigh
I: branches of the sacral plexus
45. Hamstring mm – All 3 originate from the ischial tuberosity, all extend the thigh and flex the knee.
1. Biceps femoris m.
O: long head - ischial tuberosity
short head - lateral lip of distal 1/2 of linea aspera
I: head of the fibula (lateral epicondyle of tibia)
A: long head - flex knee, extend and laterally rotate thigh
short head - flex knee
I: long head - tibial n. (L4,5,S1,2,3)
short head - common peroneal n. (L4,5,S1,2)
2. Semitendinosus m.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: proximal portion of the medial aspect of the tibia
A: extend and medially rotate thigh, flex knee
I: tibial nerve
How to remember which is where: Teddy sleeps on Mary – tendinosus superficial to membranosus
3. Semimembranosus m.
O: ischial tuberosity
I: medial condyle of the tibia
A: extend and medially rotate thigh, flex knee
I: tibial n.
46. Pes anserinus
N 456
The combined tendonous expansions of the semitendinosus m., gracilis m., and the sartorius where they insert on the
medial aspect of the tibial tuberosity
47. Cranial nerve classification
PNS - peripheral nervous system
Cranial nerves - 12 pair
48. Resting Membrane Potential - before a nerve fiber can respond to a stimulus it must be polarized, it must have a charge
inside ( - ) and outside (+).
Threshold - the internal voltage at which the cell will spontaneously depolarize. Enough Na has to come into the cell and K out.
You can make a neuron closer to threshold ( coffee) or further from threshold ( alcohol )
49. –Spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum to L1 (L2), then spinal cord proper stops
50. - Spinal segment is a cross section of the spinal cord that gives rise to a pair of spinal nerves
51. Classify the information contained in the dorsal root
Dorsal Root - GSA, GVA – sensory
Dorsal Root Ganglion - pseudounipolar neuron cell bodies
N 155
52. Naming of the Spinal Nerves
Cervical - according to the vertebra they exit above
All others - according to the vertebra they exit below – because of Spinal nerve C8 – it exits between C7 and T1
53. Innervation of the muscles of the SOT
N 164
• Vertebral artery – within the confines of the SOT
• Suboccipital nerve - dorsal ramus of C1- within the confines of the SOT
54. Nerves that innervate the posterior scalp
Greater Occipital nerve - dorsal ramus of C2 , exits below the SOT
58. CSF is found in the subarachnoid space
59. Cut sciatic nerve  loose the tibial, common peroneal  no hamstrings and adductor magnus m.
and no motor to semitendinosus and semimembranosus mm., long head of biceps femoris m., adductor magnus m.
gastrocnemius m., soleus m., plantaris m.;, popliteus m., tibialis posterior m., flexor digitorum longus m., flexor hallucis longus m.,
foot drop
60. Cut the femoral nerve  no kick the door – extension of the knee or since L 2,3,4 is also the obturator  no adduction
61. Dermatomes of the hand: C 6, C7, C8 lateral to medial
dermatomes of the foot: L4, L5, S1 – medial to lateral
62. Corpora quadrigemina consists of the superior and inferior colliculi. Superior are responsible for sight reflexes, inferior for
hearing reflexes.