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The Muscle Song
Biceps (flex arm)
Triceps (extend arm)
Sternocleidomastoid (bend head to each side)
Pectoralis major (tap chest)
Ouch, that’s my deltoid (pat shoulder)
Latissimus dorsi (rotate both arms back)
Trapezius (shrug shoulders)
Intercostal muscles (wave hands at ribs)
My diaphragm (take deep breath)
Rectus abdominus (hands on hips, sway side to side)
Gluteus maximus (rotate each foot into a circular motion)
Hamstrings (flex knee with foot to buttocks)
Quads (extend knee)
Tibialis (point one foot, tiptoe onto floor)
Soleus (same foot, on heel)
Gastrocnemius (stand on both heels)