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Study Guide: Chapter 6, 7th Grade
Your test will be on _________________________________________. Please know the following:
All vocabulary words
Is the fossil record complete? Explain.
What sorts of things typically become fossils? Why?
How do things become fossils? (mineralization, carbonization, molds and casts, trace fossils,
original material)
Know and explain the two ways to determine a fossil’s age.
Describe the geologic time scale. Are the time periods even? What’s the largest division?
What can cause extinctions?
How do new organisms appear?
Know a little about Charles Darwin (what he did, what sparked his interest, etc.)
What did Darwin realize about the differences in the tortoises?
What is variation and how does it arise in populations?
How did food affect the populations of tortoises?
Explain natural selection.
What is an adaptation? What types of adaptations are there?
Explain camouflage and mimicry.
How is selective breeding different from natural selection?
Explain comparative anatomy and what evidence homologous and analogous structures give us.
Explain and give an example of a vestigial structure.
Explain what evidence developmental biology provides.
Explain what evidence molecular biology provides.
How do new species form?