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Tour of the Cell 3
AP Biology
Cells gotta work to live!
 What jobs do cells have to do?
make proteins
 proteins control every
cell function
make energy
 for daily life
 for growth
make more cells
 growth
 repair
 renewal
AP Biology
Making New Cells
AP Biology
 Function
structural support
 maintains shape of cell
 provides anchorage for organelles
 protein fibers
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules
 cell locomotion
 cilia, flagella, etc.
 organizes structures
& activities of cell
AP Biology
 actin
 microtubule
 nuclei
AP Biology
 Cell division
in animal cells, pair of centrioles
organize microtubules
 spindle fibers
AP Biology
guide chromosomes in mitosis
Any Questions??
AP Biology
Microtubule or Microfilament
 Explain the structure and functions of
Front row: microtubule
 Back row: microfilament
AP Biology
True or False?
 Microfilaments are constructed of a
globular protein called tubulin.
All eukaryotic cells have microtubules.
Microtubules serve as tracks on which
other organelles can move.
Actin is a microfilament.
Microfilaments are hollow while
microtubules are solid
AP Biology
True or False?
 Microtubules are built to resist
compression while microfilament are
built to bear tension and pull.
 Microtubule structures help cell motility
as cilia or falgella.
 Microfilaments help cell motility as
 Microtubules form the cleavage furrow
for cell division.
 Microfilaments are responsible for
AP Biology
muscle contraction.