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What Are Vitamins?
Day 3
p. 230
Just as protein digestibility differed among food types so does the “availability” or amount of vitamin
that will be obtained from a food source. Several factors may determine the “bang for your buck” when
it comes to vitamins obtain from various food products the consumer buys.
Bioavailability is the ____degree________ to which a ____nutrient________ is absorbed
from foods and ____used______ in the body
Amount of vitamin in the food
Whether the food is cooked, ___raw____, or refined
How efficiently the food is digested and ___absorbed______
The individual’s nutritional _____status________
Whether or not the vitamin is natural or ____synthetic_______
In general, if the body needs more vitamins, a greater percentage will be absorbed (young child
and/or pregnant woman will ingest more than… non-pregnant adult
How does the bioavailablity of fat-soluble vitamins compare to that of water-soluble vitamins?
What is the cause for any differences? Fat soluble are less “available” as bile salts and the micelle
(carrier) in order to be absorbed
Supplement Notes:
Vitamins Can Be Destroyed by Air, Water or Heat
Amount decrease at harvest; longer stored or more prep less available; fat-soluble more stable
Don’t Expose Your Produce (fruits & vegetables) to the Air
(not so much D); A, K, E, C & B’s breakdown in presence of air; store air tight; cut @ of serving or
A Little Water is Enough
Don’t soak to clean; use enough so vegetable does not stick to pan; if soaked or boiled tossing away
the vitamins; don’t wash off rice
Reduce Cooking Time
Nutrition & the Human Body-Chapter 7 Vitamins
What Are Vitamins?
Day 3
Water soluble breakdown with increase of temp, especially Vitamin C; microwave, steam or stir fry
retain more vitamins than boiling (or high heat, long cook times)
Keep Your Food Cool
Cool temps preserve better (slow breakdown of vitamins)…don’t leave out on counter…
What are some additional methods to preserve your vitamins?
Overconsumption of Some Vitamins Can Be Toxic
Hypervitaminosis, or _____vitamin______ ____toxicity______, is very rare.
Describe the condition-ingesting more or the vitamin than the body needs; to the point that
tissues become saturated and cell damage may occur
What “action” is the effect of the cause “more is better”? megadose
Recall, what is the UL for a vitamin or mineral? Tolerable Upper Intake Level
Provitamins Can Be Converted to Vitamins by the Body
Provitamins are substances found in _______food________ that can be converted in to an active form
(usable vitamin form) once they are absorbed.
Which is the best known provitamin, at this time? Beta-carotene
The vitamins that do not go through conversion at absorption (usable form in food prior to absorption)
are known as…? Preformed vitamins
Take-Home Message
Vitamins are essential nutrients needed in small amounts for growth, reproduction, and
overall good health, all vitamins are either fat soluble or water soluble. The fat-soluble
vitamins A, D, E, and K, require fat for absorption and are stored in your body. For this
reason, chronic dietary excesses of some fat-soluble vitamins can be toxic. The water-soluble
Nutrition & the Human Body-Chapter 7 Vitamins
What Are Vitamins?
Day 3
Band C vitamins are absorbed with water. Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted from
your body, and surplus amounts generally aren’t stored. Some vitamins, such as vitamins E
and C, as well as the mineral selenium, flavonoids, and carotenoids, act as antioxidants
because they help counteract the damaging effects of oxygen-containing molecules called
free radicals. If free radicals accumulate faster than your body can neutralize them, their
damaging effects can contribute to chronic diseases and conditions. Fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains are robust sources of antioxidants. Many vitamins in foods can be destroyed or
lost by exposure to air, water, and heat. The overconsumption of some vitamins can be toxic.
Provitamins can be converted to vitamins in the body.
Nutrition & the Human Body-Chapter 7 Vitamins