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Biology 11: CHAPTER 20
Viruses and Prokaryotes
Learning objectives
Read pages 572-599 of “Biology” Miller & Levine to make your Cornell notes and understand
the following learning objectives. Remember these are NOT questions but guidelines for your
note taking. Reading for comprehension, identifying key ideas and concepts is a skill required in
Viruses (20.1)
How did the tobacco plant lead to the discovery of viruses? (pg. 574)
What is the composition of a virus? (pg. 575)
What is the purpose of proteins on their surface membrane? (pg. 575)
Why can’t a plant virus infect an animal? (pg. 575)
Draw and label a T4 bacteriophage. (pg. 575)
Outline the steps of a lytic and lysogenic infection. (pg. 576-577)
Explain the difference between two RNA viruses; common cold and HIV. (pg. 578)
What characteristics do viruses share/not share with cells? (pg. 579)
Why do scientists feel viruses evolved after cells? (pg. 579)
Prokaryotes (20.2)
What is a prokaryote? (pg. 580)
How are prokaryotes classified? (pg. 580)
Draw and label a diagram of a typical bacterium. (pg. 581)
Describe the function of the various structures of a typical bacterium. (pg. 581)
Why are Archaea more closely related to eukaryotes than bacteria? (pg. 581)
What type of conditions do Archaea live in? (pg. 581)
What are the shapes and types of movement found in prokaryotes? (pg. 582)
What methods do prokaryotes capture nutrients and then covert nutrients to energy?
(pg. 582)
Explain how prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission. (pg. 583)
If a prokaryote cell reproduces asexually, how do they evolve? (pg. 583)
How can prokaryotes survive harsh environments? (pg. 583)
What roles do prokaryotes play in the world? (pg. 584-585)
Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses (20.3)
What is considered a pathogen? (pg. 586)
What are the two ways bacteria cause disease? (pg. 586)
What ways can be used to control bacterial growth? (pg. 587)
How do vaccines work at preventing bacterial disease? (pg. 588)
How do antibiotics treat bacterial disease? (pg. 588)
How do viruses cause disease? (pg. 588)
What are the methods of viral transmission? (pg. 588)
How can you protect yourself from viral infection? (pg. 589)
How are viral infections treated? (pg. 589)
Why do viruses and bacteria evolve quite rapidly? (pg. 590)
What are considered emerging diseases? (pg. 590)
How has natural selection played a role in the emergence of “superbugs”? (pg. 591)
Why is the evolution of viruses troubling to health officials? (pg. 591)
What is a prion? (pg. 592)
How prions acquired and what are their effects? (pg. 592)