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David Osumi-Sutherland
Review of CARO (v1)
Many definitions are complicated and opaque:
No explicit disjointness declarations
‘anatomical group: “[An] anatomical structure consisting of at
least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or
portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not
constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion
of tissue.”
despite assertion of pairwise disjointness in paper.
Rigid single inheritance
Lack of necessary and sufficient definitions means no way to
manage multiple classification
Problems with existing
Assuming pairwise disjointness in CARO(v1):
Classified as both material and immaterial entities:
Classified as both cell and ‘portion of tissue’
pyloric chamber; scale
adult sensory neuron
disjointness violations hidden by enforced single
The following are classified under ‘organism subdivision’
'unicellular gland’; scale; vent
Aims for CARO v2.0
Clear definitions made for biologically defensible reasons or
to ensure good modeling practice.
distinctions must be readily understandable by biologists
and commonly distinguishable:
classification depending on criteria for which little data exists
should be avoided.
Definitions should be fomalised so that auto-classification by
reasoners can be used in place of hand classification.
Disjoint declarations must be present for error checking
Approach for CARO v2
Master version
in OWL
imports relevant BFO and RO classes and relations (object
Provide an OBO translation, although likely to have more
limited semantics
Focus on defining differentia
potentially => safe multiple inheritance.
Fundamental, disjoint classes
material vs immaterial
potential importance includes
lumen of stomach (space) vs wall of
stomach (structure) vs the outside
surface of the stomach (boundary with
the body cavity; a 2D structure)
error checking
immaterial structures can’t be
 site of gene expression
 site of functions/processes requiring
material anatomical entity: has_quality
some mass (PATO)
DisjointWith immaterial anatomical
amorphous vs has shape
Importance includes
blood vs tibia
error checking, in case shape
quality mistakenly asserted or
implied for ‘anatomical
anatomical structure:
Material anatomical entity that is a
single connected structure with
inherent 3D shape generated by
coordinated expression of the
organism's own genome.
DisjointWith ‘organism substance’
cellularization state
Disjoint classes:
• acellular (e.g.- cuticle)
• cell (e.g. guard cell)
• multicellular (e.g. upper
• multi-cell component (fanshaped body)
• Error checking
• Cells are a fundamental unit of
structure in biology, CARO
should reflect this.
• Acellular structure:
• Can’t be site of gene
• Can’t be site of
requiring cells
Fan shaped body (synaptic neuropil)
cellularization state
• formalization:
• cell – import class from CL
• acellular anatomical
• EquivalentTo ‘anatomical
structure’ and (has_part
only not (cell or ‘cell
• multicellular anatomical
• EquivalentTo: ‘anatomical
structure’ and
has_component min 2 cell
• multi-cell part structure
• EquivalentTo: ‘anatomical
structure’ and
has_component min 2
‘cell part’ and has_part
only not cell
Fan shaped body (synaptic neuropil)
connected vs not
anatomical group:
anatomical structure
‘anatomical structure’ DisjointWith
‘anatomical group’
PATO quality – connected ?
“A material anatomical entity consisting of a
single connected whole.”
“A material anatomical entity consisting of
multiple parts that are not physically
connected to each other.”
immune system vs vasculature
clarity about boundaries
Making good practice clear
 use class reasoning where possible, avoid
making anatomical groups that are
mereological sums of other classes (e.g.use finger not 'set of fingers')
Useful in some mereological reasoning
Types of anatomical group
anatomical cluster
def: “anatomical group whose
members are in close
proximity to each other.”
aligned anatomical group
“anatomical group whose
members are arranged in a
From the organism down:
organisms and their subdivisions.
def: “An individual member of a species.”
How to classify?
Make agnostic about unicellular vs
This avoids confusion about fertilized egg
stage of multicellular organisms.
anatomical structure?
rules out separated clones (e.g.
cuttings in plants; which is probably
difficult for Dicty (but then again, Dicty
is difficult!)
Anatomical system
nervous system; immune system; musculo-skeletal system
attempt at formalization:
the (mereological) sum of all X in a single organism,
 Where X can be:
 a functionally defined class (see FUNCARO)
 a set of high level anatomical classes
 e.g.- vertebrate muscloskeletal system might be:
 The mereological sum of all muscles, ligaments, bones,
tendons, cartillage and joints
connected system
An anatomical system that is
vertebrate circulatory system
nervous system
Organism subdivision
insect head; insect abdominal
segment; insect leg
Some necessary conditions
has a contiguous integumental
has parts of multiple organ
types of multicellular structure
“Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of
one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that
their long-range organisation is at least partly a repetition of their
short-range organisation.”
tissue types
by cell type
request PATO qualities?
lamina; mesenchymal, others?
cell cluster organ
def: “A multicellular anatomical strucure consisting of a few
cells of various types which forms a discrete structure with a
largely bona fide boundary.”
ommatidium; neuromast (of lateral line)
compound cell cluster organ
def: “An anatomical structure consisting of multiple cell
cluster organs and that has a largely bona-fide boundary.”
compound eye
FUNCARO – a functional extension
Extends CARO with functional classed defined using
relations to GO process terms
A set of logically defined upper level terms for classifying
anatomical structures by function.
A reference set of design patterns for specifying the functions of
anatomical structures using GO process terms.
Relations for defining function
expands to: bearer_of some (realised_by only ?P)
domain: ‘continuant’
range: ‘process’
expands_to: bearer_of some (realized_by only (part_of some ?P)
domain: ‘continuant’
range: ‘process’
property chain: bearer_of o part_of -> bearer_of_part_of
If X bearer_of Y and Y part_of Z then X bearer_of_part_of Z
Terms for classifying by sensory
Gene Ontology classification of sensory processes:
+ Some necessary and sufficient
*Strictly speaking, ‘some’ is a fudge. Better to use expanded forms in OWL?
Functional systems – autopopulating partonomies
functional system
respiratory system
EquivalentTo: ‘functional system’ that capable_of some ‘respiratory
gaseous exchange’
respiratory system component
A material anatomical entity defined by the common function of its
component parts. These parts may or may not be connected to form
a single structure.
EquivalentTo: ‘anatomical structure’ that capable_of some ‘respiratory
gaseous exchange’
SubClassOf: part_of some ‘respiratory system’
‘tracheolar cell’
SubClassOf capable_of some ‘respiratory gaseous exchange’
Auto-populating respiratory
system partonomy
Inferring capable_of_part_of
If X 'capable of' Y and Y part_of Z then X capable_of_part_of Z
A class for populating the
partonomy of the olfactory system
Note – in OWL this could be done without making this ugly class:
(‘anatomical structure’ that capable_of_part_of some ‘sensory
perception of smell’) SubClassOf (part_of some ‘olfactory system’)
Challenges for FUNCARO
- GO
Many potentially useful GO terms reference anatomical
immune response: “Any immune system process that functions in
the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or
invasive threat.”
Granularity restrictions on GO terms may cause problems
cellular process vs multicellular organismal process
e.g.- detection of stimulus involved in sensory perception :
“The series of events involved in sensory perception in which a
sensory stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a
molecular signal.”
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Chris Mungall
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Matt Yoder
Andy Deans