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Planning Application No: 63/2013/14075
7 Day Notice: YES
Site Description
Garth House is an extended detached house, located within a small group of
dwellings to the east of Snaygill Industrial Estate, behind the ‘Rendezvous Hotel.’
The site is located outside the development limits of Skipton, and is to the south of
the town.
The site currently consists of a stone/Yorkshire boarding built garage with hardstanding for approximately 2/3 vehicles.
The proposal seeks retrospective planning permission for the retention of a
detached garage/store not constructed in accordance with approved plans under
planning approval 63/2012/13075 and therefore is unauthorised.
Planning permission 63/2012/13075 granted permission for the extension and
alterations to an existing garage to create further garage space for a private car
together with general storage space.
The retrospective permission is being sought for the following:
A change from the approved external finish of the roof sheeting from
blue/grey finish to a mid-green finish.
A change to the external finish of the Yorkshire boarding from bright red to a
dark brown.
The replacement of Yorkshire boarding with traditional stone to the southern
elevation above the approved garage doors (see plan 2b).
The replacement of Yorkshire boarding with traditional stone to the eastern
elevation above window 1 (see plan 2b).
The insertion of 2no. Windows annotated as W4 & W5 (see plan 2b).
The insertion of 1no. Door opening to the eastern elevation (see plan 2b).
A change to the approved eaves height.
Marginally larger footprint.
The siting and ridge height of the garage is largely in accordance with the original
The building has been constructed from reclaimed stone and Yorkshire boarding
with a plastic coated profiled metal roof sheeting in mid green.
Officers Note; Following concerns relating to the visual impact of retaining the
existing roof colour (mid green), the agent has submitted details relating to the
repainting of the roof to a dark green finish.
Planning History
63/2012/13075 – Extension and alterations to existing garage to create further
garage space for a private car together with general storage space – Approved Jan
Planning Policy Background
The National Planning Policy Framework – March 2012 (NPPF).
Saved Policies ENV1, ENV2 & H20 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire
Dales National Park) Local Plan.
Parish/Town Council Comments
Skipton Town Council: Objection. The building style and colour are not in keeping
with the local area or adjacent buildings. The size of the building constitutes over
development on this site – Received 12th December 2013.
NYCC Highways: Do not wish to impose restrictions – Received 22nd November
One letter of representation has been received. Comments have been summarised
The proposed stain of the Yorkshire boarding should be of “aged crushed
The proposed external finish of the roof should be of a similar green to colour
shown in photographs.
The window in the west elevation has resulted in a building that does not
reflect an agricultural building. Also the window overlooks private garden
Summary of Principal Planning Issues
Principle of development.
Impact of development upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area
and adjoining open countryside.
Impact of proposal on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
Highway issues.
1. Principle of development.
The original planning permission established that the principle of development on
this site was acceptable as the proposed building would be situated within the
residential curtilage of Garth House. It is therefore only necessary to consider the
details of the retrospective planning application and the impact that the revisions
may have.
2. Impact of development upon the character and appearance of the surrounding
area and adjoining open countryside.
The application has been submitted following an Enforcement Investigation 1572/13
concerning the construction of a detached garage contrary to approved plans and
therefore this application has been submitted for its retention.
The approved garage extension is a large structure in its own right situated within
the residential curtilage of Garth House and was to have the appearance of an
agricultural building. The structure, as built has a slightly larger footprint than the
approved structure with additional window openings to the western and eastern
elevations. Notwithstanding the slight increase in footprint and the increase in
windows to the western and eastern elevations it is considered that these
alterations do not materially impact on the overall building to such an extent as to
cause harm that would warrant a refusal.
Furthermore, the proposal seeks permission to amend the colour of the Yorkshire
boarding from a red/brown stain to a dark brown stain and to amend the colour of
the roof sheeting from mid green to a dark green finish.
In terms of the Yorkshire boarding, the use of a light stain on the Yorkshire boarding
has introduced an incongruous feature into the surrounding open countryside,
resulting in a structure which appears prominent when viewed from public view
points and as such is considered to harm the character and appearance of the
surrounding rural area. Therefore, the proposed use of a darker stain to the
Yorkshire board would reduce the visual impact of the building resulting in a
building more in keeping with the character and appearance of the open
countryside. It is therefore considered that the amended external finish is
In terms of the external roof finish, the applicant has stated that the use of a midgreen external finish is more in keeping with the buildings rural surroundings.
However, it is considered that the mid-green external finish is an unacceptable
visual intrusion upon the rural surrounding. Nonetheless, following discussions
with the agent, the applicant has agreed to paint the roof in a dark green finish. It is
therefore considered that the proposed external finish would improve the external
appearance and is therefore considered acceptable.
3. Impact of development on the amenity of neighbouring properties.
It is noted that there is a window located within the western elevation (see plan 2b)
which faces across open countryside towards the Leeds & Liverpool Canal and the
‘Rendezvous Hotel. However, the separation distance of 63m is considered
significant to ensure that there would be no loss of privacy or amenity to the visitors
of the ‘Rendezvous Hotel’.
It is acknowledged that partial oblique views of the garden area of ‘Mayfield’ may be
possible from this window. However, situated along the western boundary are a
selection of trees and shrubs providing natural screening between these buildings.
It is considered therefore that the retention of this window would not have an
adverse impact upon the privacy or amenity of the occupiers of ‘Mayfield’.
Similarly, the additional window and door opening to the eastern elevation faces
towards land own by the applicant and as such does not result in any loss of
privacy or amenity to neighbouring properties.
4. Highway issues.
In consideration to highway safety, it is acknowledged that the changes which have
been undertaken, resulting in a marginally larger footprint, are not sufficient to result
in conditions contrary to highway safety. Furthermore, NYCC Highways have been
consulted and have raised no objections to the application.
That retrospective planning permission is granted for the retention of the garage
subject to the following conditions.
The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration
of three years beginning with the date of this permission.
Reason: To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
The approved plans comprise of Drawing No’s 2B & 4A and plan titled ‘Location
Plan’ received by the Local Planning Authority on the 15th November 2013. The
development shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans except
where conditions attached to this planning permission indicate otherwise or
where alternative details have been subsequently approved following an
application for a non-material amendment.
Reason: To specify the terms of the permission for the avoidance of doubt.
Notwithstanding the details on the approved plans the finished colours of the
external materials shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local
Planning Authority and thereafter implemented in accordance with the approved
Reason: In the interest of the visual amenity of the area.
The approved finished colours of the external materials shall be implemented
within 12 months from the date of this permission and shall be maintained at alltime thereafter.
Reason: In the interest of the visual amenity of the area.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country (General Permitted
Development) 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order), the
proposed garage shall be retained solely for the housing of private motor
vehicles or storage associated with the main building (Garth House). In
particular it shall not be used for any other domestic, trade or business
purposes without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To safeguard residential amenity to provide satisfactory off-street
parking facilities in the interests of highway safety.
The existing Public Right(s) of Way on the site must be protected and kept clear
of any obstruction until such time as an alternative route has been provided and
confirmed under an Order made under the Town and Country Planning Act
Applicants are advised to contact the County Council’s Access and Public
Rights of Way Manager at County Hall, Northallerton on 0845 8 727374 to
obtain up-to-date information regarding the line of the route of the way. The
applicant should discuss with the Highway Authority any proposals for altering
the route.
Statement of Positive Engagement: In dealing with this application Craven District Council has sought to approach
the decision making process in a positive way, in accordance with the
requirements of paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF. In particular the Council
has: 
engaged in pre-application discussions