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Reference number: R14/0860
Site address: Lessingham House, Birdingbury Road, Leamington Hastings
Description: Two storey side extension, porch to rear and internal alterations
Case Officer Name & Number: Alice Cosnett – 01788 533489
Site Description
Lessingham House is a Grade II listed building which is sited within the Leamington Hastings Village
Boundary. The dwelling is located within a site some 2.6 acres in area, formed of both garden and
agricultural land. Being sited on the edge of the village of Leamington Hastings, it looks out over
agricultural fields to its southeast. The dwelling is accessed by a gravel driveway which extends of
Birdingbury Road. Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order are sited within the application site.
Proposal Description
Planning permission is sought for the erection of a two storey side extension, porch to its rear and
internal alterations.
Relevant Planning History
None relevant
Technical Consultation Responses
English Heritage – no objection
WCC Ecology – no objection subject to condition and informatives
Third Party Responses
Councillors – none received
Parish Council – none received
Neighbours – none received
Relevant Planning Policies and Guidance
Core Strategy
Development Strategy
Parish Plans
Sustainable Design
Saved Local Plan Policies
Parking Facilities
Other Documents
Planning Obligations SPD
Sustainable Design and Construction SPD
National Policy
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
Assessment of Proposals
Report Sheet
In the assessment of this application, the determining factors are the impact of the proposed
development on the character and appearance of the Grade II listed building and on the qualities,
character and amenity of the area and Leamington Hastings Conservation Area, impact on the amenity
of neighbouring properties, impact on protected species, trees and highway safety.
Impact on the Grade II listed building, Conservation Area and qualities, character and amenity of the
Part 7 of the NPPF (Requiring Good Design) emphasises the importance of good design and Part 12
emphasises the importance of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets. Policy CS16
states that development will only be allowed where proposals are of a scale, density and design that
would not cause any material harm to the qualities, character and amenity of the areas in which they are
situated and that new development should seek to complement and enhance the historic environment.
The Supporting Statement submitted with the application provides evidence to show that the proposed
extension will sit on the footprint of the previous servant’s wing, part of which was removed between
1555 and 1961. The gable end, that is to be partially removed, is not original and was built when the
previous wing was reduced in size.
The statement goes onto state that the proposed extension has been carefully designed in order to
ensure minimal alteration or loss of original historic fabric to therefore have no significant effect on the
areas of historical importance. It states that the proposed extension is justified because it reinstates the
previously lost servant’s wing and allows Lessingham House to evolve into a family home better suited
for 21st century living.
It states that the extension will be built with reclaimed Imperial bricks, from the site where possible (i.e.
from the gable end to be removed), to match existing with slate and painted timber windows to match the
existing roofing materials and windows.
English Heritage have been consulted on the application and have raised no objection.
It is agreed that the extension has been carefully designed so as to minimise its impact on the both the
historic fabric and character of the Grade II listed building. The width, depth and ridge height of the
extension reflect those of the servant’s wing previously sited in the same location as the proposed
extension. Part of the gable wall will be retained so that the building’s history can still be ‘read’ and the
fenestration detailing and use of materials sympathetically reflect those of the existing, historic building.
Subject to appropriate conditions, to ensure the submission of large scale details for the new windows
and material samples, it is considered that the proposed extension will cause less than substantial harm
to this heritage asset.
The addition of the lean-to porch is considered to be appropriate, as are the internal alterations
proposed. The loss of historic fabric that they cause is minimal and is considered to be justified when
having regard to the contents of the Supporting Statement.
It is therefore considered that the proposed alterations will have an acceptable impact on the Grade II
listed building, Conservation Area and wider area in general. The development represents good quality
design and as such accords with the contents of the NPPF and Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy.
Impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties
Paragraph 17 of the NPPF states that planning should always seek a good standard of amenity for all
existing and future occupants of land and buildings and Policy CS16 states that development should
ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbouring occupiers are safeguarded.
Due to the separation distances between the proposed extensions and nearest residential dwellings, it is
not considered that the proposal will have an adverse impact on neighbouring amenity in accordance
with the NPPF and Policy CS16.
Impact on protected species
Part 11 of the NPPF (Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment) states that the planning
system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by minimising impacts on
Report Sheet
biodiversity, among other things. In addition, Saved Local Plan Policy E6 states that the Borough Council
will seek to safeguard, maintain and enhance features of ecological and geological importance.
A bat survey was submitted with the application which County Ecology have been consulted on. The
survey presented no evidence of bats either inside or outside the building and as such, no objection is
raised to the proposal subject to the attachment of informatives and a condition relating to amphibians. It
is therefore considered that the proposed development has an acceptable impact on biodiversity in
accordance with the NPPF and Saved Local Plan Policy E6.
Impact on parking and highway safety
Saved Local Plan Policy T5 states that planning permission will only be granted for development which
incorporates satisfactory parking facilities. Furthermore, the Planning Obligations SPD details parking
standards which should be provided for various types of development.
As a result of the proposed extension, the dwelling will increase from a 4 to 5-bed unit. Whilst not
providing parking standards for 5-bed units, the Council’s parking standards state that 3 spaces should
be provided per 4-bed unit. Given that there is a large area of hardstanding to the front of the dwelling of
sufficient dimensions to park in excess of 4 cars, it is considered that an acceptable level of off-street
parking is provided.
The development therefore complies with the contents of Saved Local Plan Policy T5 and the contents of
the Planning Obligations SPD.
Impact on trees
A Tree Report has been submitted with the application which the Council’s Tree Officer has been
consulted on. No objection is raised subject to a condition which requires the planting of a replacement
tree. Subject to this condition, it is not considered that the development will cause significant harm to the
visual amenity of the area through the loss of protected trees.
Approve subject to appropriate conditions.
Report prepared by: Alice Cosnett 9.1.2014
Report Sheet