Download CH 115 Fall 2014Worksheet 14 Draw the Lewis structures for the

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CH 115 Fall 2014
Worksheet 14
1. Draw the Lewis structures for the following organic molecules.
a). CH3NH2
b). CH3CN
2. What is the general formula for a hydrocarbon that has no double bonds? What is
this type of hydrocarbon called?
CnH2n+2; alkane
3. List the rules for naming a hydrocarbon.
1. Find the longest continuous chain of carbons – designate this as your
parent chain. Use the alkane naming system (methane, ethane, propane,
butane, etc) to name this chain depending on how many carbons it has.
2. Locate any substituents that branch off from the main parent chain and
name them (same as above but replace “ane” ending with “yl” ending, e.g.
methane  methyl, etc.)
3. Number the substituents so that that each branch has the lowest number
4. Write the name! Remember commas in between numbers and dashes in
between numbers and letters. Substituents named in alphabetical order!
4. Name/draw the following hydrocarbons.
H3 C
b). 5,6,7-triethyl-4-methylnonane
c). 2,3,4,5-tetramethylhexane
d). 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane
CH 115 Fall 2014
Worksheet 14
CH 3
CH 3
CH 3
H3 C
H3 C
5. Arrange the following in order of decreasing length (from longest to shortest):
Double bond, single bond, triple bond
Single, double, triple
6. What is a dipole moment? What periodic trend determines whether or not a bond
will have a dipole moment or polarity?
Dipole moment occurs due to unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond.
One element (the more electronegative one) pulls more electron density
towards itself and becomes partially negative, leaving the other element in the
bond partially positive. Electronegativity or a difference in electronegativity
between the two atoms in the bond will cause a dipole moment. When a dipole
moment exists, the bond is classified as polar.