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Common Body of Knowledge and Skills (COBOKS) for Registered
Government Auditors (RGA)
The development of a Common Body of Knowledge and Skills (COBOKS) for
Registered Government Auditors (RGA) marks an important milestone in the
professionalisation of government auditors in South Africa.
It establishes the RGA as the benchmark qualification in public sector auditing
in South Africa. The Qualifying Examination for RGA’s (RGA-QE) and the
practical experience requirement which is certified by the Office of the AuditorGeneral ensures that consistent standards are achieved.
Numerous on-going activities ensure that the RGA qualification is widely accepted
and enforced:
Accounting Officers (HOD’s) of national and provincial departments are
encouraged to be aware of the RGA component of the audit teams assigned to
their departments’ audit.
A searchable database containing the public register of RGA’s is provided free
of charge on the SAIGA website (
In awarding contract work to private sector audit firms, preference should be
given to firms that have a reasonable RGA component in their available audit
The Audit Commission is encouraged to have the Office of the Auditor-General
report on the representation of RGA’s within the total audit staff component of
the Office.
Public accountability forums such as the Standing Committee on Public
Accounts (SCOPA) are informed of the RGA qualities and encouraged ask
questions on the RGA component of audit staff when discussing audit related
Tertiary institutions are informed about the RGA syllabus and encouraged to
incorporate them in their formal programmes.