Download Alex Riedel Wall Street Journal Week 3 1/16/17 First Look

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Alex Riedel
Wall Street Journal Week 3
First Look: Nintendo’s Switch Game Console is Fresh Yet Familiar
By, Brian R. Fitzgerald 1/13/17
Nintendo is making a new Game System that is a portable tablet like device and a
console. Nintendo’s company since the release of the Wii has really been down. Nintendo has
had brief moments of success lately with Pokémon Go and Mario, but those only make money
for short periods of time. This system should have both of those as well as Zelda and some of
the other hit games. This system is supposed to be released in March of 2017. The expected
price is supposed to be about $300.
Trump Comments Hit Shares in German Car Companies
By, William Boston 1/16/17
Donald Trump has told BMW Volkswagen and other German Companies he will make a
35% tariff for every car that is imported into the United States. Trump is hoping to get these
companies to build cars in the United States which would bring jobs back into America. Due to
this, the one negative for some people is that stock in these companies are falling. Some of
these companies such as BMW at the moment are holding their ground and are planning to
keep making the cars in Mexico. However, the U.S. market is huge for these companies so if
they continue to hold out things could get very interesting.