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Name: ____________________________________ Block: _________________ Date: ______________
Biology IB
1. Answer the following questions about the cell membrane (plasma membrane):
a. What is the cell membrane?
b. What does the cell membrane do? What is its purpose?
c. Where is it located? ________________________________________
d. Compare and contrast the cell membrane to the cell wall
2. Information to synthesize proteins is sent out from the ______________________ (command
center) to the _____________________ where proteins are then made.
3. What are monomers compared to polymers? How are simple sugars and amino acids similar to
one another?
4. What is the primary purpose of the mitochondria? If enzymes in this organelle were destroyed or
damaged, how would this affect the cell?
5. What organelles are found in plant cells but not in animal cells? What do these organelles do?
6. How do prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells differ? What organelle(s) do they both contain?
7. Water is special because it is able to form __________________________. This property also
causes water to have a very high specific heat. What does this mean and how does this help
marine life live through the winter?
8. Answer the following questions about carbon:
a. What is an organic molecule?
b. How many valence electrons does carbon have?
c. How many bonds can carbon form and how does this make it very versatile?
9. When repeating glucose monomer units come together to form a polymer like cellulose, what
type of reaction occurs to form the bonds between the glucose molecules?
10. What is cellulose and what is a phospholipid? How do these molecules help provide rigidity and
structural support in the cell?
11. What is a catalyst? What role does it play in a chemical reaction? How does it appear before and
after the reaction?
12. What is the purpose of the transmembrane barriers (channel proteins) in the cell membrane?
13. What is the difference between active transport and passive transport?
14. What is the golgi apparatus and how does it do what it does?
15. What do the following organelles do and where are they found (plant or animal)?
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus
c. Ribosomes
d. Chloroplasts
16. Explain the process of osmosis and how it applies to the cell (think about the gummy bear). What
is needed for this transport to take place?
17. What element must be present for a molecule to be considered “organic” ?
18. How does an element become an ion? What needs to happen for it to become a positively
charged ion? What needs to happen for it to become negative?
19. Explain the arrangement of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom. Where is each
subatomic particle located?
20. What is an isotope? What is different between isotopes of the same element?
21. What charge is a proton? Neutron? Electron?
22. What charge will each of the following have?
a. 8 protons, 8 neutrons, 10 electrons
b. 6 protons, 7 neutrons, 6 electrons
c. 11 protons, 11 neutrons, 10 electrons
What number distinguishes one type of element from another element?
What is the atomic number? What subatomic particles are included in this value?
What is the atomic mass? What subatomic particles are included in this value?
Name the three organelles shown below. What are the functions of each of the organelles?
27. What is an autotroph and what is a heterotroph? Provide an example of each.
28. Simple sugars, amino acids, and nucleic acids are all three monomers that come together to
make larger polymers. What is the polymer that each of these three make?