Download Chapter 5 Understanding Cultural diversity in Today*s Modern world

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Chapter 5
Challenges and Benefits
Challenges include
 Gender
 Age
 Ideology
 Nationality
 Sexual orientation
Discrimination is when an action is based on
a prejudice against an individual or group
because of race, class, gender, age and
disabilities etc.
Examples of discrimination and prejudice
Dominant white against black
Dominant males against females
Dominant rich against poor
Dominant old against young ( and vice versa)
Many of the challenges presented by cultural
diversity stem from ‘isms’ :
 Racism
 Sexism
 Ageism
 Ableism
 Classism
These ‘isms’ can lead to prejudice and biased
Racism occurs when a member or members
of a dominant group discriminate against
others based on the belief that there are
basic differences in people’s behaviour and
abilities entirely due to their ‘race’.
Classism means that different values are
placed on people based not on personality
but on their social and economic ‘value’.
Sexism means that men and women are
treated according to their gender rather than
individual characteristics. This can lead to
prejudice and bias against the less dominant
Ageism refers to individuals being
discriminated against because of their age
rather than their ability.
Ableism relates to discrimination against
people with a disability that has a negative
effect on their everyday activities in work or
social life.
The most recognised benefits of cultural
diversity are :
Working and interacting with other cultures
can help our creativity by absorbing input
resulting from different backgrounds,
experiences, and ideas.
When people from different cultures work
together a collection of ideas and innovations
are readily available.
Once our differences are acknowledged and
respected the opportunities for connecting
and cooperating become easier. Positive
attitudes result in similarities becoming more
important than differences.
Synergy is the extra energy and effectiveness
when people and organisations create a
spirit of understanding and openness. This
leads to the opportunity to cooperate and
combine their efforts.
These benefits develop when people from
different cultural backgrounds work or live