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allies people or countries united for a specific
purpose; during World War II, the countries
that united to fight Germany
amendment a change, addition, or
correction; specifically, a change or addition
to the U.S. Constitution
anti-Semitism hatred of and prejudice
against Jews
appeal request for a higher court to review
a case
armada Spanish word used to describe a
great fleet of armed ships
assassin a murderer, especially someone who
kills a public figure for political reasons
baby boom an increase in the U.S. birth rate
that began after World War II and continued
through the mid-1960s
bigotry intolerance, prejudice
Bill of Rights first 10 amendments to the U.S.
blitzkrieg German word used to describe
sudden warfare intended to surprise the
enemy and win a quick victory
blockade closing off a place (such as a harbor
or port) to prevent entering or leaving an area
boycott to refuse to deal with a nation,
company, or organization in order to show
disapproval or force a change
cabinet officially chosen group of advisers to
the president
candidate someone running for political
capitalism economic system based on private
ownership of land and resources, in which
individuals and businesses produce goods and
services to make money; also known as the
free enterprise (or free market) system
census official count of people
citizen someone with all the rights,
protections, and responsibilities guaranteed
under a nation’s government
civil disobedience opposing a law as a matter
of principle by refusing to obey it
civil rights rights guaranteed to all citizens by
the Constitution and acts of Congress
Civil Rights Act of 1964 law prohibiting
discrimination in public places and
coalition union of groups with a common
colony land controlled by a distant or foreign
commune group of people living together
who share resources and responsibilities
communism economic and political system
in which the state owns most of the land and
property and which in theory is dedicated to
social equality
Glossary 351
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concentration camp place where Nazis
imprisoned, tortured, and killed people during
World War II
Constitution the document that outlines the
plan of government in the United States
containment policy to stop the spread of
counterculture culture with values that are
very different from those of established society
crusade expedition or war motivated by
religious beliefs
embargo ban on commerce and trade
empire group of cities, states, or territories
under the rule of one person
equality having the same rights, privileges,
and status
executive branch the branch of government
that carries out the laws; in the U.S. the
president is its head
exile to banish someone from his or her
home or country
democracy government by the people, either
directly or through elected representatives
fascism political system, usually led by a
dictator, characterized by extreme national
and racial pride and suppression of opposition
depression time of severe economic decline,
including high unemployment and falling
feminists people who believe that women
deserve the same rights and opportunities
as men
dictator ruler with complete authority and
no accountability
free trade business between nations that is
carried out without major restrictions
discrimination showing favor toward or
prejudice against people because they belong
to a particular group
fundamentalism belief in the literal truth
of religious texts and in strict adherence to
religious laws
dove someone who takes an antiwar position
genocide deliberate murder of an entire
nation or ethnic group or the destruction of
its culture
economy management and flow of resources
and money in a community
emancipation granting of freedom
Emancipation Proclamation document
written and signed by President Abraham
Lincoln that freed all slaves living in
Confederate states during the Civil War
ghetto a city neighborhood where poor
people live crowded together, usually in bad
guerrilla a soldier who fights by using
surprise tactics to bring down the enemy
352 Glossary
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habeas corpus, writ of a court order requiring
proof that a prisoner is being justly held
hawks people who advocate war or the use of
force against other nations
hippies young people of the 1960s who
rebelled against traditional values
Jim Crow system of laws beginning in the
late 1800s that segregated blacks and forced
them to use separate and inferior facilities
Ku Klux Klan an organization formed in
the South in 1866 that used lynching and
violence to intimidate and control blacks
and others
Hoovervilles settlements of makeshift houses
built by homeless people during the Great
labor unions associations of workers formed
to promote and protect the rights of members
hostage someone held prisoner as a
bargaining chip in a conflict
League of Nations an organization proposed
by President Woodrow Wilson after World
War I to unite nations in working for peace
and security
immigrants people who move to a new
country or region
lobby to attempt to influence lawmakers
impeach to charge a public official with
crimes or misconduct
lynching kidnapping and execution of a
person by a mob
imperialism expanding a nation by taking
other lands
martyr someone who chooses to die rather
than give up a religious belief or political
inauguration ceremony that ushers a new
president into office
infidels nonbelievers in a dominant religion,
according to the believers
inflation the process by which the prices of
goods and services increase
integration bringing together different racial
and ethnic groups
internment confinement, especially in
isolationism a national policy of withdrawal
from world affairs
migration movement of a group from one
country or region to another
national debt total amount of money the
federal government owes to lenders
nationalism strong feeling of pride in one’s
Native Americans the first peoples of North
America, including those called Eskimos and
nativism the practice of favoring native-born
citizens over immigrants
Glossary 353
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Nazis the German political party led by
Adolf Hitler
nonconformist person who follows his or her
own beliefs instead of what may be traditional
or popular
nonviolent resistance peaceful protest that
avoids the use of physical force
orator an effective public speaker
pacifism opposition to the use of force under
any circumstance
ratify to formally approve a suggested action
reparations payments made for damages
reservation public land set aside for special
use, especially land set aside for Indian
peoples after European Americans took over
Indian land
revenues income, especially from city, state,
or national taxes
revolution overthrow of a government
pardon official forgiveness for a crime
riots violent disturbances of the peace
parliament a legislature
segregation the practice of separating one
racial, ethnic, or religious group from another,
especially in public places
peninsula a piece of land almost entirely
surrounded by water
perjury lying under oath
poll tax tax (that has been found to be
unconstitutional) that people in some states
used to have to pay before they were allowed
to vote
Quakers a Christian group, officially called
the Society of Friends, that opposes war and
believes in respecting the rights of other
quota limit on the number of people from
an ethnic, religious, or other group who
will be allowed into a nation, institution, or
self-determination the right of citizens to
choose the form of government under which
they will live
sit-in organized demonstration by protesters
who sat down in segregated establishments
and refused to leave
socialism government ownership of factories
and services with wages determined by
workers’ needs
speculation financial risks taken in order to
make a large profit
stock exchange trading center where shares
of stock are bought and sold
radical someone who favors extreme changes
in existing laws or conditions
354 Glossary
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stock market the stock exchange and
associated businesses for the buying and
selling of stocks
totalitarian form of dictatorship that has
total control over all aspects of life and that
suppresses all political or cultural opposition
suburb a residential community on the
outskirts of a city
treaty formal agreement between nations
tariff tax on imports or exports
tax money that citizens and businesses are
required to contribute to pay for the cost of
government and the services it provides
truce agreement to stop fighting
tyranny absolute power, especially when it is
unjustly or cruelly used
U-boats German submarines
technology application of scientific ideas for
practical purposes
United Nations an international organization
formed in 1945 to promote peace, security,
and economic development among nations
Third Reich Germany under Adolf Hitler,
1933 to 1945
white-collar job office job
Glossary 355
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