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Volatile Secretions in Three Species of Dufourea
(Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Bees: Chemical Composition and Phylogeny
J. Tengö*, I. G roth***, G. Bergstrom* **
* Ecological Station o f Uppsala University, S-38600 Färjestaden
** Departm ent o f Chemical E cology, B ox 33031, S-40033 G öteborg
W. Schröder, S. K rohn, W. Francke
Institut für Organische C hem ie, M artin-Luther-King-Platz 6, D -2000 Hamburg 13
Z. Naturforsch.
40c, 6 57—660 (1985); received July 1, 1985
Dufourea, D ufour’s G lands Secretions, Cephalic Secretions, K eton es, A lcohols
V olatile secretions from D ufour’s glands in three species o f D ufourea bees, Dufourea (Halictoides) dentriventris (N ylander), D .(H .) inerm is (Nylander) and D. (D ufourea) m inuta Lepelletier
have been studied by gas chrom atography and mass spectrom etry. It was found that the secretions
are com posed of com plex blends o f straight chain saturated and unsaturated 2- and 3-ketones and
series o f hexanoic and octanoic esters. Cephalic secretions from males and fem ales of D .(H .)
inermis and D .(D .) m inuta contain sex- and species-specific blends o f m ethylcarbinols and corres­
ponding long chain carboxylic esters. Mass spectrom etric fragmentation patterns o f esters are
In phylogenetic studies of bees, the group Dufoureinae has commonly been accepted as a sub­
unit of the family H alictidae. M ichener [1] found it to
be more closely related to the halictines than to any
other group of bees. In our studies on the chemistry
of volatile gland secretions from bees we have, how­
ever, found that representatives of D ufoureinae di­
verge from the general pattern of the rest of the fam i­
ly. The present study describes the composition of
volatile secretions of three species of the genus
D ufourea representing two subgenera.
Chemical investigations were perform ed by com ­
bined gaschrom atography and mass spectrom etry us­
ing a LKB 2091 instrum ent. During the period from
1978—1984 ca. 40 samples were analysed. Gaschromatographic separations of com pounds from pentane
extracts of D ufour’s glands or heads were carried out
on 50 m glass capillary columns under tem perature
programm e from 50—200 °C at a rate of 5 °C per
minute. Mostly W G 11 was used as stationary phase;
in some cases mixtures of FFA P and OV 17 were
preferred. Identifications of natural com pounds were
based on comparison of gaschromatographic reten ­
tion times and mass spectra with those of synthetic
reference samples.
Reprint requests to Dr. W. Francke.
Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, D -7400 Tübingen
0 3 4 1 -0 3 8 2 /8 5 /0 0 0 9 -0 6 5 7 $ 01.30/0
H eads
Volatile secretions of heads of males and females
of D ufourea (Dufourea) minuta Lepelletier and
D ufourea (H alictoides) inermis (Nylander) form
species- and sex-specific blends. Characteristic series
of bishomologue methylcarbinols ranging from 2nonanol to 2-nonadecanol and several corresponding
esters are consistently present, while in some female
head extracts traces of D ufour’s gland constituents
(see below) have also been found. Among typical
m etabolites of ß-ketoacyl derivatives straight chain
uneven num bered methylcarbinols containing 7 and
m ore carbon atoms are widespread in nature. They
are im portant volatile signals in chemical communi­
cation systems of H ym enoptera [2], While females of
D .(D .) minuta contain the higher boiling carbinols,
in males the more volatile ones are prevailing. Par­
ticularly interesting is the occurrence of several
esters produced from methylcarbinols and even num ­
bered straight chain carboxylic acids which to our
knowledge are the first identified from insects. While
in D .( D .) minuta octanoates of 2-nonanol, 2-undecanol and 2-tridecanol are found, some correspond­
ing butyrates and decanoates are present in D .(H .)
inermis. In D .(D .) minuta males 1-methyldecyl
octanoate (2-undecyl octanoate) is the m ajor compo­
nent, whereas in D .(H .) inermis 1-methyldecyl
decanoate (2-undecyl decanoate) dominates the
m ales’ cephalic secretion. Females contain smaller
am ounts of esters than males. Esterified long chain
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J. T engö et al. ■V olatile Secretions in Three Species of Dufourea
alkan-2-ols are known as plant lipids [3]; the
biogenesis of these chiral compounds in barley spike
epicuticular wax has been extensively studied [4].
Mass spectra o f esters
El-m ass spectra of esters with long alkylchains at
either side of the carboxyl group show the following
A) a small signal of the molecular ion (better de­
tected by C l);
B) a strong acylium ion;
C) a signal of the “free acid” ;
D) a signal caused by the “protonated acid” ;
E) signals at m/z = 60 and 61 corresponding to
C 2H 4O 2 and C 2 H 5 O 2 ;
F) alkene fragments as products of a Me Lafferty
rearrangem ent at the alcohol side;
G) oxygen containing ions caused by a-cleavage of
the alcohol chain.
In unbranched saturated esters of primary alcohols
ion B is less abundant than ion D ; in esters with
secondary alcohols relations are reserve. Ion F
characterises the length of the alcohol chain and
yields the highest num bered fragment observed in
the spectrum when the alcohol contains at least 3
carbon atoms more than the acid. If the alcohol is
shorter, ion C becomes the highest even num bered
fragment. The small signals G give a specific infor­
mation about the position of the oxygen function
along the carbon chain. G is almost absent in esters
with straight chain primary alcohols. Fragm entation
caused by “classical” Me Lafferty rearrangem ents at
the acid side (like m/z = 8 8 in ethylesters) do not
seem to play a role in the type of esters which is
discussed here. For a better illustration, plotted mass
spectra of octyl octanoate, 1 -methylheptyl octanoate
and 1-ethylhexyl octanoate are given in Fig. 1 in
which ions A —G have been m arked.
D ufour’s glands
Results of the analyses of D ufour’s gland secre­
tions of D .(D .) minuta, D .(H .) inermis and D .(H .)
dentriventris (Nylander) are compiled in Table I. U n ­
branched open chain compounds forming series of
bishomologues make up characteristic blends of typi­
cal acetogenins. Carboxylic acids, alcohols, esters
and ketones could be identified together with hydro­
carbons C 19 —C 29 . The latter are sometimes found in
relatively large am ounts; they may in parts represent
constituents of the cuticular lipids and are not listed
in the table.
Several straight chain ketones which carry the car­
bonyl group in positions 2 or 3 are found in all three
species. While uneven num bered m ethylketones are
common among the volatiles from H ym enoptera [2],
the even num bered vinylketones are seldomly found
in arthropods. They have been identified from sever­
al term ite species [5—7] and very recently from
D ufour’s glands of D. novaeangliae [8 ]. Vinylketones
showing an additional term inal double bond have
also been reported from term ites [6 , 7]. The esters
occurring in the secretion represent combinations of
Table I. V olatile constituents in the Dufour gland secretion
o f D ufourea (H .) dentriventris, D .(H .) inermis and D.
(D ufourea) minuta.
C om pound
D .d .
D .i.
N onan-2-one
U ndecan-2-one
10-U ndecen-2-one
l-D ecen -3 -o n e
D od ecan-3-on e
l-D od ecen -3-on e
1,1 l-D od ecad ien -3-on e
l-T etradecen-3-on e
l,13-T etrad ecadien-3-one
H exanoic acid
O ctanoic acid
H exadecanol
O ctadecanol
Octyl hexanoate
D ecyl hexanoate
D ecenyl hexanoate
D od ecyl hexanoate
D od ecen yl hexanoate
Tetradecyl hexanoate
Tetradecenyl hexanoate
H exadecyl hexanoate
H exadecenyl hexanoate
O ctadecyl hexanoate
O ctadecenyl hexanoate
Eicosyl hexanoate
O ctyl octanoate
O ctenyl octanoate
D ecyl octanoate
D ecenyl octanoate
D od ecyl octanoate
O ctadecyl octanoate
O ctyl decanoate
D od ecyl decanoate
D .m .
x, com pound present; L, present in large amounts.
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J. T engö et al. ■V olatile Secretions in Three Species of D ufourea
Int. V.
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J. T engö et al. • Volatile Secretions in Three Species o f D u fourea
hexanoic and octanoic acids with a series of bishomologue prim ary alcohols ranging from octanol
to eicosanol, respectively. The esters are found in all
three species; not all of them , however, are present
in all species. Esters constitute one of the most com­
mon group of natural products. In insects they occur
frequently either as volatile signals or as wax con­
stituents, covering a wide range of different biologi­
cal functions [9]. Esters of hexanoic and octanoic
acid with long chain alcohols, com pounds containing
up to 30 carbon atoms have also been identified from
D. marginata [10] and D. novaeangliae [8].
The composition of the D ufour’s gland secretions
in the three D ufourea species reported here show
basically large qualitative similarities. The differ­
ences between them lay partly in the occurrence of
individual com pounds, but mainly in the quantitative
overall pattern of the constituents. The “ester p at­
te rn ” in D .(H .) dentriventris and D .(H .) inermis
points to a stronger chemical relationship between
these two species in comparison to D .(D .) minuta, as
is further supported by the co-occurrence of some of
the other compounds. Morphological characteristics
[11] and the new data presented here, as well as by
Cane [10] and W heeler et al. [8], support the position
of the subfamily Dufoureinae as well being separated
from the other two subfamilies of Halictidae. The
chemical composition of the D ufour’s gland volatile
secretion from those Dufourea bees studied so far
even indicate a possible phylogenetic relationship to
m elittid (aliphatic esters [13]) and andrenid (te r­
penoid esters [14]) bees as discussed by Cane [12]. In
the palaearctic region there are four genera within
the subfamily D ufoureinae [15]. Because of the phy­
logenetic position of this group analyses of cephalic
secretions and of D ufour’s glands constituents of the
remaining 3 genera might well lead to a better u nder­
standing of relationships within the primitive bees.
[1] C. D . M ichener, Bull. A m . Mus. Nat. Hist. 82, 151
[2] M. S. Blum , Chem ical defenses o f arthropods, Acad.
Press N ew York 1981.
[3] P. v. W ettstein-K now les and A . G. N etting, Lipids 11,
478 (1976).
[4] J. D . M ikkelsen, Carlsberg R es. Com m un. 49, 391
[5] A . Q uennedy, G. Brule, J. Rigaud, P. D u bois, and R.
Brossut, Insect. B iochem . 3, 67 (1973).
[6] G. D . Prestwich, M. Kaib, W. F. W ood, and J. M einwald, Tetrahedron Lett. 1975, 4701.
[7] G. D . Prestwich and M. S. C ollins, J. Chem . E col. 8,
147 (1982).
[8] J. W. W heeler, M. T. Sham in, O. Ekpa, G. C. Eick-
worth, and R. M. D uffield, J. Chem. E col. 11, 353
W. Francke, W. Schröder, G. Bergström , and J. T en ­
gö, N ova Acta R eg. Soc. Scient. U psaliensis Serie V:
C, 3, 127 (1984).
J. H. Cane, Syst. Z ool. 32, 417 (1983).
C. D . M ichener, The social behavior o f the bees. H ar­
vard University Press, Cambridge, M assachusetts
J. H. Cane, E volution 37, 657 (1983).
J. T engö and G. Bergström, J. Chem . E col. 2, 57
G. Bergström and J. T engö, Chem. Scr. 5, 28 (1974).
P. A . W. Ebm er, Senckenbergiana Biol. 64, 313
A cknow ledgem ents
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and the Swedish
N atural Science Foundation. Dr. P. A ndreas W.
Ebm er kindly determ ined the bees.
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