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Circulatory System-­‐ To transport nutrients and oxygen to cells and remove cell wastes. MCAS Biology Parts of Circulatory System Parts of Circulatory System 1. Heart 2. Blood vessels 3. Blood Blood flow direcDon Vein Capillaries Artery Body Cells Waste Nutrients Oxygen Waste Nutrients Oxygen Blood and Waste Blood Blood and Waste •  AHer blood delivers O2 and nutrients to body cells, blood removes waste produced by cells. Waste includes CO2 , urea, salt, and drugs. Body Cells Waste Nutrients Oxygen Waste Nutrients Oxygen Blood What happens to toxic waste? •  Liver-­‐ •  Kidney-­‐ What happens to toxic waste? •  Liver-­‐ Blood carrying toxic waste gets filtered through liver. •  Kidney-­‐ Filters out nitrogenous waste (ammonia and urea) from blood What is in blood? Plasma Blood Cells What is in blood? Plasma 55% of blood volume Blood Cells Yellow liquid; mostly water Red Blood Cells White blood cells Carries oxygen to cells Fights bacteria