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Investigation 1 “Living Cells” Big Ideas
1. What do cells need to stay alive?
a. Cells need water, food, oxygen, and waste disposal to stay
2. How do cells get the things they need to survive?
a. The circulatory system delivers water, sugar, and oxygen
to cells and carries waste carbon dioxide away from the
3. What is the general path taken by blood through the
circulatory system?
a. From the body to the right atrium of the heart, to the
right ventricle, to the lungs, to the left atrium, to the left
ventricle, into arteries that flow into capillaries, which are
in contact with cells. Blood returns to the heart in veins.
4. How do cells in humans get the nutrients they need?
a. The digestive system reduces food to nutrients. Nutrients
pass out of the digestive system into the bloodstream for
transport to all the cells.
5. How does the digestive system work?
a. Physical and chemical processes break complex food into
simple substances as it progresses from the mouth
through the esophagus to the stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, and colon.
6. How are cellular wastes removed from the blood?
a. Blood filters through the kidneys. Which remove cellular
wastes, convert them into urine, and store them in the
5th Grade
Living Systems
Investigation 1