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By Cindy Grigg
Your circulatory (say: SIR-kyuh-luh-tohr-ee) system has
three parts. The main part is your heart. Your blood is
another part. Your blood vessels are the third part.
Your circulatory system works like a delivery truck. It
takes blood to all parts of your body. Your body is made up
of tiny cells. The blood carries things to your cells that they
need. Then your blood picks up the waste products from the
cells. These are the things that your cells don't need.
Your heart is an organ inside your chest. It is about the
same size and shape as your fist. It is a muscle. The heart's
job is to pump your blood. The blood's job is to move the
things your body needs. The blood goes to each little cell that
makes up your body.
Oxygen is a gas in the air you breathe. You must have
oxygen to live. Blood takes oxygen to each part of your
body. Blood also takes food and other things your body
needs to your cells.
The blood picks up carbon dioxide from the cells. Carbon
dioxide is sort of like trash that you don't need. So your
blood takes out the trash. It takes carbon dioxide to the heart.
From there it goes back to the lungs. Your lungs breathe out
the carbon dioxide you don't need. Your lungs take in the
oxygen that you do need. In the lungs, your blood picks up
fresh oxygen.
Your heart beats all the time. You don't even have to
think about it. It keeps your blood pumping even when you
are asleep. Your blood carries things to your cells that they
need. Your blood picks up the waste products from the cells.
Your blood vessels carry blood to all parts of your body. Take
good care of your heart!
Copyright © 2013 edHelper
1. 2. The three parts of the
Your heart is:
circulatory system are the
An organ
________, the ________, and
A body system
the _________ ___________.
3. 4. Your heart is about the same What is the blood's job?
size as which other part of
To pump
your body?
To move the things your
Your fist
body needs
Your foot
5. What is the heart's job?
To get rid of oxygen
To pump your blood