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Circulatory System
•By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
• Understand the functions of the
circulatory system.
• Label the heart.
The circulatory system has 3 main
• Carries blood, water, oxygen and
nutrients throughout the body.
• Removal of waste products
Body temperature control
• Blood absorbs body heat and
carries it to the lungs and to the skin
where it is released.
• Helps to fight disease.
• Antibodies which fight infection are
carried in the blood.
Circulatory System
Consists of 4 main parts:
1. The heart
2. The blood
3. The blood vessels
4. The pulmonary and systemic circuits
• Is divided into two parts (double pump)
• The two upper chambers are called atria.
• The two lower chambers are called
• The walls of the heart are made up of
cardiac muscle.
How does it work?
• The heart pumps blood by contracting. It
does this in two stages.
• The right side pumps blood from the body to
the lungs and returns it to the heart.
• This is called Pulmonary circulation.
•The left side pumps oxygenated blood from
the lungs to the body and then it returns to
the heart.
This is called systemic circulation.
• The large tubes that carry blood away from the heart are
called arteries. The aorta is the largest artery.
• The large tubes that carry blood back to the heart are called
Heart in Action
Heart in Action
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