Download Republic to Empire w_blanks Fall 2014

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Main Idea
Governmental and social problems led to the end of the creation of a new form of Roman government.
1) Etruscan Rule Ends
a) ____________ ruled Rome until about 509 BC
i) Romans revolted, threw out last of kings, setup new type of government
b) ____________ —elected officials governed state
2) The Roman Republic
a) Patricians
i) ___________________ consisted of aristocratic families
(1) Controlled all society
(a) Politics
(b) ______________________
(c) Economics
(d) Military
(2) Maintained ____________ through_________________ system
b) Plebeians
i) _________________ people who challenged patricians for power
(1) Rome was invaded and _____________ refused to fight until changes made
(a) Patricians_________________ plebeian rights
ii) Created ________________ Council
(1) Created to protect interest
(a) Gained right to elect officials known as _________________
(i) Tribunes were to protect against Patrician Officials
1. 450 BCE, forced Patricians to have all ____________ written down
a. Laws displayed in Roman ____________, on 12 large bronze tablets
i. Because laws were ____________, patrician judges could not make decisions based
on own opinions or ___________ laws
2. ____________ between patricians and plebeians forbidden
3) Republican Government
a) Created new offices of government
i) Consisted of ____________ parts: ____________, popular ____________, ____________
(1) Initially dominated by ____________; all state offices later open to both ____________, ____________
b) Elements of Government
i) Senate: ____________ members, advised elected officials, controlled public ____________, handled all
____________ relations
ii) Popular assemblies: in these all citizens ____________ on ____________, ____________ officials
iii) Magistrates: governed in name of ____________ and ____________, put ____________ into practice, acted
as ____________
4) Agrarian Roots
a) Romans prided themselves on connection with _____________________
i) _____________, ____________________ noblest way to make money
(1) Cincinnatus
(a) Turned to farmer __________________ to protect from invasion
(i) People made him ____________________
1. Could only be dictator for 6 months
(b) Defeated enemies and returned to ___________________
(i) Did not hold ______________________
5) The _________________ in Politics
a) 107 BC, social unrest reached new level
i) General Gaius _______________ elected consul
(1) Eliminated _______________________ restrictions
(2) Accepted anyone who wanted to join ___________________
ii) Armies, private forces devoted to general
(1) Poor hoped to share ________________ at end of war
(2) Ruthless generals realized _________________ of troops could be used as ___________________ tool
b) The Social War
i) Rome’s ________________ allies had been trying to obtain Roman _____________________
(1) Senate wanted to maintain _______________ on power, refused
(2) 90 BC, _____________ War broke out
(3) Italian rebels were ________________, but Senate agreed to give them __________________
c) Civil War
i) Social War revealed talent of General Lucius Cornelius ________________
(1) Sulla became _______________, 88 BC; after consulship ended, Marius tried to prevent Sulla from
taking military command
(a) Sulla marched on ________________, won civil war, became ______________
(b) Carried out program of _______________ to protect power of ______________
6) Rome Becomes an Empire
a) Sulla paved the way for major changes in Rome’s _____________________. The end of the Republic resulted
from the ____________________ of a few individuals.
i) The ________________ Triumvirate
(1) Julius ______________, Gnaeus ______________, Licinius _______________ helped bring end to
(a) Caesar, Pompey successful _________________ commanders
(b) Crassus one of ________________ people in Rome
(2) 60 BC, the _______________ took over Roman state, ruled as First _________________
ii) End of Triumvirate
(1) Crassus _______________; Pompey, Caesar fought _______________ war
(a) Caesar defeated Pompey, took full control of ___________, became
____________________________, 44 BC
(2) Caesar brought many _______________ to Rome, ______________ reforms
(3) Senate feared he would __________________ Roman Republic, murdered him, Ides of March
iii) The Second Triumvirate
(1) Caesar’s _____________ did not save the ___________________
(2) 43 BC, Second Triumvirate took power—Caesar’s adopted son, ________________; loyal officer Marc
___________________; high priest __________________
(3) Lepidus pushed aside; Antony, Octavian agreed to govern _______________ the empire each, Octavian
in _______________, Antony in ___________________
iv) Civil War
(1) ______________ war between Octavian, Antony broke out
(a) Octavian defeated Antony and his ally, Egypt’s Queen ___________________
(i) Cleopatra, Antony committed ________________; Octavian alone controlled
(2) Republic effectively ___________________; new period in Roman history beginning
7) From Octavian to Augustus
a) Octavian Takes Power
i) Octavian faced task of restoring ________________ in empire
ii) Had no intention of establishing _____________________ when he took power
b) New Political Order
i) Octavian decided it impossible to return Rome to ___________________ form of government
ii) Created new political order, known today as the _________________
c) Principate
i) Octavian careful to avoid title of ______________ or __________________
(1) Called himself princeps, “___________________________”
ii) Government called ___________________
d) New Title
i) 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian title ___________________, “the revered one”
(1) Title a _________________ honor;
(a) able to wear laurel and oak leaf ______________________
8) The Augustan Age
a) Augustus head of state more than ______________ years, made smooth transition to new imperial government
with power divided between _____________ and ___________________
i) Most financial, administrative matters under _______________________ control
b) Foreign Affairs
i) Started program to bring peace to ____________, particularly to _____________, Spain
(1) Began series of conquests that pushed border eastward to _________________ River
(a) Also took special care of Rome itself “I found Rome built of _____________; I leave her
________________ in __________________”
c) Legacy
i) Created police force, fire brigades; stockpiled food, water
ii) Began building program; presided over moral, religious reforms
iii) Great period of ____________________ creativity; great writers like Horace, Ovid, Virgil
9) The Good Emperors
a) Empire grew tremendously under Good Emperors
i) Reached limits of expansion under __________________________
(1) Added what are now Romania, Armenia, ______________________, and the _________________
ii) Successor ________________________ thought empire too large
(1) Withdrew from almost all _________________ additions
(2) Built defensive _________________________ to guard against invasions
(3) Built wall _____________________ miles long in northern Britain
10) Legal System
a) Laws
i) Roman law _____________ the empire
ii) Laws specified what could, could not be done; penalties for _________________ law
iii) Same laws applied to _____________________ in empire, wherever they lived
b) Agriculture
i) Agriculture remained primary __________________ throughout _______________________
(1) Most farms, independent with little, no ____________________ to sell
(2) ________________ farmers began to replace _________________ on large farms
c) Manufacturing
i) Manufacturing increased throughout empire
ii) Italy, Gaul, Spain—_____________________ made cheap pottery, textiles
iii) Fine glassware made in eastern cities like _____________________
11) Trade
a) Italy imported ________________, meat, raw materials from ___________________
i) Merchants brought silks, linens, glassware, jewelry, furniture from ________________
(1) ______________, _______________ became ______________________ centers
b) Transportation
i) Commercial activity possible because of empire’s location around Mediterranean and extensive
_____________________ network, Ultimately about ___________________________ miles of roads bound
empire together
c) Military and Merchant Routes
i) Most roads built, maintained for ___________________ purposes
ii) Cheaper to transport grain by ship from one end of Mediterranean to other than to send it overland; most
_________________ went by __________________________