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Government Final
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The United States is a dictatorship.
“Freedom of [people] under government is to have a standing rule to live by . . . made by the
legislative power vested in it; a liberty to follow [one’s] own will in all things, when the rule
prescribes not, and not to be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, arbitrary will of
another. . . .”
—John Locke, 1690
According to John Locke, people are obligated to obey their government.
“First, the powers of governing still remaining in the hands of the king, he will have a negative
over the whole legislation on this continent. And as he has shown himself such an inveterate enemy
to liberty and discovered such a thirst for arbitrary power, is he, or is he not, a proper person to
say to these colonies. ‘You shall make no laws but what I please!’”
—Thomas Paine
According to Thomas Paine, the colonists should break away from England and create their
own monarchy.
The Articles of Confederation gave Congress and the government the power to settle
arguments between states.
Congress and the government were allowed to amend the Articles of Confederation with the
consent of 10 states.
The Articles of Confederation gave Congress and the government the power to levy taxes to
fund wars.
Under the Articles of Confederation, the state governments were dependent on the national
government for revenue, soldiers, and law enforcement.
The Preamble states that the U.S. Constitution was established—in part—to provide for the
common defense.
Only the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the Bill of Rights granted freedom of speech, the
press, and religion.
“All that may be necessary to add, my dear Marquis, in order to show my decided predilection
[preference], is that (at my time of life and under my circumstances) the [i]ncreasing infirmities of
nature and the growing love of retirement do not permit me to entertain a wish beyond that of
living and dying an honest man on my own farm.”
—George Washington
George Washington was looking forward to serving as the first president of the United States.
The state-ratifying method has been used only once—to repeal Prohibition.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a readdress of grievances.”
—First Amendment, 1791
According to the First Amendment, citizens have the right to criticize the government.
The Thirteenth Amendment changed the powers of the national and state governments.
The Framers would not agree with the cartoonist’s implication that the legislative branch is
the most important.
The administration spokesman is speaking on behalf of Congress.
Electoral Votes
Ohio has more electoral votes than Alabama and Georgia combined.
Georgia has more electoral votes than Rhode Island.
Winning electors meet in Washington D.C. to cast their votes for president and vice president.
Albert Gore won the popular vote by more than half a million votes.
Ralph Nader received less than 2% of the popular vote.
According to the Electoral College System, voters cast ballots, directly electing the president
of the United States.
The next step: The grand jury would issue an indictment, charging Joe Brown with a crime.
“The public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and. . .measures are too often
decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior
force of an interested and overbearing majority.”
— James Madison, 1787
In James Madison’s quote, his statements support the development of two political parties
competing for power in the United States.
The Republican Party has been in existence in the American political party system longer
than the Democratic Party.
“The vast majority of local parties are essentially voluntary organizations. . . . They have the least
influence and the fewest resources. The combination of . . . reliance on volunteers in an era when
volunteers are hard to find, complex campaign finance regulations, and the general low regard in
which parties are held combine to discourage the best leadership or the greatest participation.”
— Xandra Kayden and Eddie Mahe, Jr., 1985
Xandra Kayden’s and Eddie Mahe, Jr.’s comment emphasizes how difficult it is for local
party organizations to retain top leadership and thereby assert any real control.
Assuming the elected governor is a member of the same political party as the leader on the
local level, the governor is likely to ask the precinct captain for recommendations when appointing
judges and administrative officials.
“Established leaders hate primaries for good reason; they are always, in any form, an appeal from
the leaders’ wishes to the people directly. Primaries suck up and waste large sums of money from
contributors who might better be tapped for the November finals; the charges and counter-charges
of primary civil war provide the enemy party with the ammunition it can later use with blast effect
against whichever primary contender emerges victorious.”
— Theodore H. White, 1961
Despite winning the nomination, or endorsement, of their political party, other candidates of
the same party can pose additional threats even after the primary ends.
Today, both the Republican and Democratic parties allow their primaries to be decided by
Candidate for president Edward Kennedy led a successful campaign to override a rule created
by the rules committee. The rule stated that delegates must remain loyal to the winner of their state
“The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and
maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European
powers. . . . We owe it . . . to candor, and to the amicable relations between the United States and
those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to
any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and
safety. . . .”
—James Monroe, 1823
The Monroe Doctrine extended the meaning of internationalism.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
31. This ancient Greek scholar was one of the first students of government.
a. Aristotle
c. Karl Marx
b. John Locke
d. Adam Smith
32. A loose union of independent states is a
a. federal system.
c. confederacy.
b. constitutional government.
d. unitary system.
33. This is NOT one of Aristotle's classifications of governments.
a. autocracy
c. totalitarian dictatorship
b. oligarchy
d. democracy
34. When the territory of both the nation and the state coincide, the country is a
a. republic.
c. nation-state.
b. polis.
d. sovereignty.
35. This principle is concerned with a government's power and the rights of the citizens.
a. constitutional law
c. capitalism
b. democracy
d. laissez-faire
36. These nations are in the early stages of industry and technology.
a. unitary systems
c. developing nations
b. federal systems
d. developed nations
United States Acquisitions
This territory, acquired by the United States in 1898, was granted its independence in 1946.
a. Virgin Islands
c. Puerto Rico
b. Guam
d. Philippines
Complete the graphic organizer, identifying the five main characteristics of pure capitalism.
a. free enterprise
c. free market
b. laissez-faire
d. proletariat
Complete the chart identifying the three goals of socialism.
distribution of wealth and economic opportunity equally among people
support of free market
government oversight of production
individual initiative
Which origin of state theory is depicted in this chart?
a. force
c. divine right
b. social contract
d. evolutionary
“Men being, as has been said, by Nature, all free, equal and independent, no one can be put out of
this Estate, and subjected to the Political Power of another, without his own Consent. The only
way whereby any divests himself of his Natural Liberty, and puts on the bonds of Civil Society is by
agreeing with other Men to joyn [join] and unite into a Community. . . .”
—John Locke, 1690
In John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, he explains this theory.
a. divine right
c. social contract
b. evolutionary
d. force
Private ownership and control of resources is characteristic of
a. socialism.
c. pure capitalism.
b. communism.
d. mixed-market economy.
This man wrote the Two Treatises of Government which influenced the writers of our consitution.
a. Benjamin Franklin
c. Thomas Paine
b. John Locke
d. Thomas Jefferson
Trade among the states was known as
a. interstate commerce.
c. legislative trade.
b. extralegal trade.
d. anarchy.
The compromise made by the Founders on this issue left a terrible burden for future generations.
a. western territories
c. slavery
b. interstate commerce
d. anarchy
This led to the Boston Tea Party.
a. Committees of Correspondence
c. Intolerable Acts
b. Britain's increased tax revenue
d. Coercive Acts
Antifederalists believed this was needed.
a. anarchy
c. Bill of Rights
b. interstate commerce
d. strong national government
“I did not consider it any part of my charge to invent new ideas, but to place before mankind the
common sense of the subject in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent . . . It was
intended to be an expression of the American mind.”
—Thomas Jefferson
In this quote, Jefferson is referring to this, which he wrote in 1776.
a. English Bill of Rights
c. U.S. Constitution
b. Declaration of Independence
d. Magna Carta
Which plan or compromise was based on the Articles of Confederation?
a. New Jersey Plan
c. Connecticut Compromise
b. Virginia Plan
d. Three-Fifths Compromise
The Framers agreed that the national government should be divided into three branches.
Choose the answer that completes the chart, identifying the branches of the national government.
a. presidential
c. federal
b. executive
d. administrative
The Articles of Confederation gave Congress limited powers. Choose the answer that best
completes the chart.
a. levy and collect taxes
b. veto amendments to the Articles
c. regulate foreign and interstate commerce
d. establish post offices
52. This section of the Constitution states why it was written.
a. Amendments
c. Preamble
b. Bill of Rights
d. Articles
53. This elevated the Supreme Court to a higher status, balancing the powers of the other branches.
a. enumerated powers
c. Constitutional amendment
b. judicial review
d. judicial activism
54. Poll taxes hurt low-income African Americans because taxes were paid in order to
a. call a national convention.
c. vote.
b. make arrests for libel.
d. make arrests for slander.
The U.S. Constitution is divided into three parts. Choose the answer that best completes the
chart, identifying the three parts.
a. Bill of Rights
c. Essays
b. Articles
d. Sections
Which principle grants the president the authority to appoint federal judges?
a. judicial review
c. Federalism
b. separation of powers
d. checks and balances
Systems of Checks and Balances
The system of checks and balances gives this the power to enforce court orders.
a. President
c. Congress
b. Senate
d. Courts
Which amendment addressed the salaries of the members of Congress?
a. 27
c. 26
b. 23
d. 25
Which amendment establishes the need for a warrant or probable cause before a person can be
searched or arrested?
a. 4th
c. 2nd
b. 9th
d. 3rd
Which amendment ensures that a person will not be tried twice for the same crime?
a. 2nd
c. 5th
b. 1st
d. 9th
61. Proposed laws to authorize spending money are called
a. bills of attainder.
c. revenue bills.
b. writs of habeas corpus.
d. appropriations bills.
62. Some historians believe that the checks and balances system causes
a. impeachment.
c. more legislative vetoes.
b. perjury.
d. gridlock.
63. Setting the minimum wage comes under this power of Congress.
a. regulation of commerce
c. naturalization
b. impeachment
d. taxes
64. A legal order that a person appear in court or produce requested documents is called
a. immunity.
c. writ of habeas corpus.
b. contempt.
d. subpoena.
“The result of the most careful and attentive consideration bestowed upon this clause is, that if it
does not enlarge, it cannot be construed to restrain the powers of Congress or to impair the right
of the legislature to exercise its best judgment in the selection of measures to carry into execution
the constitutional powers of the government.”
—John Marshall
Which clause of the U.S. Constitution does Marshall cite to support the Court’s decision in
McCulloch v. Maryland?
a. necessary and proper clause
c. Fugitive Slave Clause
b. Supremacy clause
d. inelastic clause
Complete the chart, showing the tools or tactics that congressional committees may use when
dealing with witnesses.
a. revoke First Amendment
c. initiate checks and balances
b. hold in contempt
d. revoke Fifth Amendment
How many public bills passed by the 106th Congress were vetoed by the president?
a. 12
c. 11
b. 580
d. 349
Complete the chart, identifying the powers granted to Congress through the expanded
definition of Congress.
a. regulating foreign and interstate commerce
b. establishing laws of naturalization
c. taxing imports
d. enforcing the writ of habeas corpus
According to the chart, if the office of president, vice president, and Speaker of the house
were vacant this person is next in line for the presidency.
a. Secretary of State
c. Secretary of Defense
b. Attorney General
d. President pro tempore of the Senate
How many weeks pass between the time Congress counts the electoral votes and
a. 2
c. 10
b. 3
d. 4
Which presidential race was the closest electoral race?
a. Hayes/Tilden
c. Harrison/Cleveland
b. Adams/Jackson
d. Bush/Gore
Popular and Electoral Votes 2004
Kerry received all of the following states’ electoral votes EXCEPT:
a. Pennsylvania
c. Vermont
b. California
d. Ohio
All of the following served as Secretary of State before being elected president EXCEPT:
a. William H. Taft
c. James Monroe
b. James Madison
d. Thomas Jefferson
“I have gathered you together to hear what I have written down. I do not wish your advice about
the main matter. That I have determined for myself.”
—Abraham Lincoln, 1862
What document—referenced in the quote—did Lincoln bring his cabinet together to read
before he made it public?
a. Gettysburg Address
c. State of the Union
b. Bill of Rights
d. Emancipation Proclamation
According to the cartoon, what qualifications must a presidential candidate possess?
a. education
c. money
b. intelligence
d. good looks
People engaged in lawsuits are called
a. criminals.
c. justices.
b. victims.
d. litigants.
These are the workhorses of the federal judiciary system.
a. grand juries
c. district courts
b. petit juries
d. state courts
These courts help Congress exercise its power according to Article I of the Constitution.
a. legislative courts
c. appellate courts
b. district courts
d. territorial courts
These courts derive their power from the state constitutions and laws.
a. constitutional courts
c. state courts
b. concurrent courts
d. federal courts
A state may not take a person's life, liberty, or property without
a. a Supreme Court opinion.
c. original jurisdiction.
b. appellate jurisdiction.
d. due process.
Which court hears appeals from the highest state courts?
a. U.S. Court of Military Appeals
c. Supreme Court
b. 12 U.S. Courts of Appeals
d. U.S. Court of International Trade
“Trial judges, because of the multitude of cases they hear which remain unheard or unchanged by
appellate courts, as well as because of their fact- and issue-shaping powers, appear to play an
independent and formidable part in the policy impact of the federal court system upon the larger
political system.”
— Kenneth M. Dolbeare, 1969
Trial judges are able to shape policy because
they have little fact-shaping power.
their decisions are usually final.
they are dependent on the circuit courts.
the Constitution grants them this power.
What landmark case, which established the “separate but equal doctrine,” was heard by the
Supreme Court in 1896?
a. Marbury v. Madison
c. Brown v. Board of Education
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
d. Dred Scott v. Sandford
84. A multiparty system often represents different beliefs or
a. ideologies.
c. theocracies.
b. voting privileges.
d. precincts.
85. In the United States, nearly all elected officials are selected by
a. caucuses.
c. precinct captains.
b. political bosses.
d. single-member districts.
86. This takes place at a national convention right before the adjournment.
a. acceptance speeches
c. vice president nomination
b. keynote speech
d. delegation party
Which of the following major parties in the United States had the shortest run?
a. Democratic-Republican
c. National Republican
b. Democratic
d. Whig
How many third parties in the United States had a run in American politics for a total of 8
years or less?
a. 9
c. 17
b. 21
d. 23
All of the following are functions of political parties EXCEPT:
a. educating the public
c. operating the government
b. recruiting candidates
d. establishing voting criteria
90. This is not a current foreign policy concern.
a. increased economic competition
c. the Cold War
b. international terrorism
d. increased trade competition
91. Guiding strategies and goals that direct U.S. relations with other countries is its
a. foreign policy.
c. national defense system.
b. internationalism.
d. isolationism.
92. To be involved in world affairs is to have this philosophy.
a. isolationism
c. containment
b. internationalism
d. collective security
How many months passed between the time of the signing of the NAFTA agreement to the
House’s approval?
a. 9 months
c. 14 months
b. 11 months
d. 19 months
Western Europe received the least amount of U.S. foreign aid. Which statement best explains
why this region might have received less aid than the other regions?
a. U.S. relations with Western Europe are very amicable.
b. Western Europe is comprised of many developed countries.
c. Western Europe does not want foreign aid.
d. The region is comprised of many developing countries.
What event caused the United States to enter World War II?
The Germans attacked neutral ships.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York City.
The Germans attacked Pearl Harbor.
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. provide essential services
f. laissez-faire
b. representative democracy
g. evolutionary theory
c. command economy
h. socialism
d. sovereignty
i. a form of autocracy
e. majority rule
j. preamble
supreme and absolute authority
origin of the state in family
one purpose of government
statement in the constitution
totalitarian dictatorship
United States government
requirement of democracy
a hands-off attitude
public ownership of most land
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Thurgood Marshall
f. Sandra Day O'Connor
b. United States v. E.C. Knight & Co.
g. federal courts
c. grand jury
h. Marbury v. Madison
d. petit jury
i. law clerks
e. jurisdiction of the court
j. Dred Scott v. Sandford
authority to hear certain cases
established judicial review
tied states rights to slavery issues
upheld monopoly of business trusts
maritime law jurisdiction
first African American justice
first woman justice
hands down the indictment
hands down the verdict
assist justices
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. ambassador
f. world peace
b. national security
g. sanctions
c. OAS
h. isolationism
d. conscription
i. internationalism
e. economic and military aid
j. draft registration
____ 116. protection against invasion
goal of United States foreign policy
not to be involved in world affairs
to be involved in world affairs
a diplomatic representative
compulsory military service
required of 18-year-old males
treaty for economic development
withholding loans, arms, or economic aid
benefits for a friendly nation