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Chapter 8 Study Guide
popular sovereignty
checks and balances
electoral college
Bill of Rights
separation of powers
limited government
1. ______________________
the division of power between the federal government and the states
2. ______________________
system under which the federal government has only the powers given
to it by the Constitution
3. ______________________
a plan in Congress takes this form
4. ______________________
to approve an amendment
5. ______________________
division of the national government into three branches, each with its
own powers and responsibilities
6. ______________________
to give evidence against others or oneself
7. ______________________
to complete the legal process for citizenship
8. ______________________
to bring charges of serious wrongdoing by an elected official
9. ______________________
that the people have the right to alter or abolish their government
10. ______________________
ensures no one branch of the national government gains too much
11. ______________________
complex system for choosing a United States President
12. ______________________
to check the power of a presidential veto
13. ______________________
where the power of the government comes from
14. ______________________
first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
15. What are the goals (preamble) of the Constitution? _____________________________________________
16. a. What are the three branches of government? b. Who heads each branch of government? c. What is the
main power of each branch of government?
17. Name the principles of the Constitution? _____________________________________________________
18. What rights are guaranteed in the bill of rights? ________________________________________________
19. What amendment gave the right to vote to 18 year olds? ________________________________________
Study the do now charts, graphic organizers, and handout how a bill becomes a law.