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Translation materials
ALL: What is diffusion? What are the consequences to molecules in the cell? How do
they get ‘where they are going’?
How does a tRNA 'find' it's amino acid?
How does a tRNA find & recognize its codon?
How does it know when to give its amino acid to the growing protein?
Where does it come from?
What does a codon look like in an mRNA?
What is the instruction to start making protein?
What is the instruction to stop?
How does it recognize the amino acid it works with?
How does it recognize the tRNA it works with?
***if you don't know, just consider the information available to the
molecule itself--how COULD it 'know'?
How do the large & small subunits get together with the mRNA?
How does it know where to start?
How does it 'define' a codon?
How does it know when to stop?
How does it determine which amino acid to add?
termination factor
How does it know when to tell the ribosome to quit?
How does it avoid telling the ribosome prematurely?
Special events of the ribosome & assembly
The initial assembly event requires teamwork. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes require
an mRNA, the small ribosomal subunit, and a tRNA that can read the codon AUG, so we
will focus on these commonalities.
SO!! The ribosomal subunits are allowed to lurk nearby (or better, draw the small
subunit on your benchtop and keep the mRNA nearby for ‘scanning’)
When small ribosomal subunit + tRNA that matches AUG + mRNA team forms, the
LARGE ribosomal subunit is now allowed to join, and the game is ON!
As tRNA visitors diffuse by, if any can match the AUG codon near the 5' end of the
mRNA, finish drawing the ribosome such that the P site is vacant and the A site (see lab
manual p. 4-3) is ready for the next tRNA