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Mrs. Umbarger
Growth Model
_____ 1. A hypothesis is
a. An experiment
c. data
b. an educated guess
d. a conclusion
_____ 2. One of the characteristics of life is
a. reproduction
c. response
b. movement
d. all of the above
_____ 3. Maintaining internal conditions is called
a. energy
b. homologous
c. homeostasis
d. life
_____ 4. A plant that bends toward to the light is:
a. going to die
b. going to fall over
c. responding to stimuli in its environment d. use the scissors.
_____ 5. We can thank green plants for
a. food
c. all of the above
_____ 6. An example of mutualism is
a. tick eating bird and rhino
c. intestinal worms and mule deer
b. oxygen
d. none of the above
b. bacteria and cattle
d. mistletoe and mesquite trees
_____ 7. The type of biotic relationship in which one organism feeds upon another is
a. competition
b. mutualism
c. predation
d. commensalism
_____ 8. A food chain generally begins with
a. an autotroph
c. a decomposer
_____ 9. An autotroph is defined as a
a. heterotroph
c. consumer
b. an omnivore
d. a heterotroph
b. producer
d. scavenger
_____ 10. The stages of the water cycle include all of the following except
a. precipitation
b. evaporation
c. condensation
d. fixation
_____ 11. Electrons are
a. positive charged particles in nucleus
c. negative charged particles in nucleus
b. neutral particles in the nucleus
d. negative particles outside nucles
_____ 12. Atoms are formed of the following except
a. nucleotides
b. protons
c. electrons
d. neutrons
_____ 13 Prokaryotic cells have NO
a. cell membrane
c. nucleus
b. cell wall
d. mitochondria
_____ 14. What is the total magnification of a microscope using a 10x eyepiece and a
45x high power objective lens?
a. 45
b. 55
c. 10
d. 450
_____ 15. The part of the microscope you look into is called the:
a. objective lens
b. eyepiece
c. stage
d. body
_____ 16. These are the POWER HOUSES of the cell where energy is released.
a. Chloroplasts
b. Nucleus
c. Lysosomes
d. Mitochondria
_____ 17. The jelly-like substance composing the interior of the cell is the
a. Nucleus
b. Cytoplasm
c. Lysosome
d. Mitochondria
____ 18. The difference between plant and animal cells is
a. plants have cell walls
b. plants have chloroplasts
c. all of the above
d. none of the above
_____ 19. The control center or BRAIN of the cell is the
a. Nucleus
b. Vacuole
c. Cytoplasm
d. Chloroplast
_____ 20. Passive transport is defined as the movement of any substance across a
membrane without the use of:
a. cell energy
b. carrier molecules
c. diffusion
d. contractile vacuoles
_____ 21. If the parent cell has 10 chromosomes, after mitosis, the daughter cells will
a. have 5 chromosomes
b. have 10 chromosomes
c. have 15 chromosomes
d. have 20 chromosome
_____ 22. The stage of mitosis where the chromosomes pair up is
a. Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Telophase
d. Anaphase
_____ 23. ATP stores energy in its
a. nucleus
c. protons
b. electrons
d. bonds
_____ 24. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) has ___________ phosphate molecules.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 25. If a homozygous white mouse was crossed with a homozygous black mouse,
what would the phenotype of the offspring be? (White is recessive.)
a. black
b. white
c. grey
d. spotted white and black
____ 26. What would the same off-spring’s genotype be? (Refer to #25.)
a. BB
b. Bb
c. bb
d. BW
____ 27. Which one of the following nucleotides pair bonds would be found in a DNA
a. Adenine – Guanine
b. Adenine – Cytosine
c. Guanine – Cytosine
d. Cytosine – Uracil
____ 28. The placing of information or objects into groups based on similarities is
a. biochemical analysis
b. phylogeny
c. classification
d. speciation
____ 29. The broadest, most general grouping of organisms is called
a. kingdom
b. species
c. genus
d. taxonomy
____ 30. The most specific grouping of organisms is called
a. kingdom
b. species
c. genus
d. taxonomy
____ 31. An organism is unicellular and prokaryotic is a
a. Eubacteria
b. Fungi
c. Plant
d. Animal
____ 32. An organism is multicellular, eukaryotic, and a producer is a
a. Eubacteria
b. Fungi
c. Plant
d. Animal
____ 33. In protists, which structure controls water levels within an organism?
a. contractile vacuole
b. flagella
c. food vacuole
d. nucleus
____ 34. A structure used for movement is a
a. contractile vacuole
b. flagella
c. food vacuole
d. nucleus
____ 35. Although fungi have some negative impacts on our society, their main role is
to function as
a. decomposers
b. food making
c. lichen
d. parasites
____ 36. Bacteria impacts society in which way?
a. decomposing
b. disease
c. food making
d. all of the above
____ 37. Protists are classified into the subgroups
a. plant-like
b. animal-like
c. fungus-like
d. all of the above
____ 38. Protists such as the amoeba and paramecium that can move and consume are
classified as
a. plant-like
b. animal-like
c. fungus-like
d. all of the above
____ 39. Where does most photosynthesis take place?
a. in the leaves
b. in the stem
c. in the roots
d. all of the above
____ 40. The function of a plant root is
a. anchor
c. store
b. absorb
d. all of the above
____ 41. The most likely dispersal mechanism for a seed with wing-like structures is
a. eaten by animal
b. wind
c. catch in animal fur
c. water
____ 42. The stage of mitosis where the chromosome move APART is
a. metaphase
b. anaphase
c. telophase
d. interphase
____ 43. All animals demonstrate the following characteristics except
a. autotroph
b. digestion
c. heterotroph
d. movement
____ 44. Symmetry where 2 sides mirror each other is called
a. bilateral symmetry
b. asymmetry
c. radial symmetry
d. none of the above
____ 45. Animals are placed into 2 general categories based on if they have
a. a backbone
b. a brain
c. an exoskeleton
d. a nervous system
____ 46. A hard outer shell used for protection and support is called
a. a backbone
b. a brain
c. an exoskeleton
d. a nervous system
____ 47.
Annelids and some mollusks are hermaphrodites which means they
have male reproductive structures only
have female reproductive structures only
have both male and female reproductive structures
____ 48. The 3 classes of mollusks does not include
a. bivalves
b. cephalopods
c. arachnids
d. univalves
____ 49. The most diverse and successful phylum of animals are
a. annelids
b. arthropods
c. crustaceans
d. mollusks
____ 50. The stage of mitosis where two new cells form is
a. anaphase
b. telophase
c. prophase
d. metaphase
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