Download o Water only conducts electricity if it is im

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Why does water conduct electricity? What is an important consequence of this fact?
o Water only conducts electricity if it is impure, or containing something like salt that turns
to positive and negative ions in solution, which creates a closed circuit as the ions become
attracted to each other. This could possibly mean that because you are a living thing full of
water that contains some salts, you make a good conductor for electricity, and can easily be
Which can dissolve more compounds: a glass of salt water, or a glass of distilled water? Why?
o A glass of distilled water, because salt is already fallen into solution and makes it much
easier to saturate the solution with salts in herbs as a certain volume of water only has a
certain capacity for carrying ions in solution. This is seen when you add sugar to Koolaid.
There’s always that extra sugary bit with grains of sugar at the bottom because the solution
became saturated and couldn’t dissolve any more sugar.