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NAME_____________________________ DATE________________ TEACHER_____________________
1. A __________________________ attracts electrons and allows
electricity to flow through.
2. Matter that doesn’t carry a current well is called an ______________.
3. _______________ _________________ discovered electricity
through a lightning strike!
4. ______________ ___________________ discovered the first longlasting light bulb.
5. A ____________is a loop that an electric current can flow through.
6. When you turn ________a light switch, it breaks the circuit.
7. Earth offers many renewable sources of power. Water, wind, and
___________energy can all be used to make electricity.
8. If a charge flows through matter, it is a__________________.
9. The charges discharged in static electricity were often built up
by _________________.
10.All magnets, even Earth, create a force around them that pushes and
pulls some types of matter, particularly ___________.
11. A magnetic field is created by the movement of__________.
12. Magnetic force can also be used to make an_______________.