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Tantric response cycle
The sexual response cycle refers to the series of changes that occur in humans when they
experience sexual arousing or in sexually stimulating activities. This changes may be either
emotional or psychological. Knowledge of this cycle helps and individual to discover the phases
included in this cycle and also the ability of one’s body to respond to the changes (Swartz,1994).
Also, the cycle can be used to better one's sexual relationship and respond to issue concerning
sexual problems.
Study question
The study is based on differences that exist between males and females concerning their
sexual behaviors and their attitudes based on this different genders.
Sexual response cycle comprises of four main phases that namely excitement, plateau, orgasm
and finally resolution. These stages are experienced in both men and women though the cycle
may differ in timing (Lousada & Angel, 2011). Considering timing, it is less likely that both the
involved parties (men and women) reach organism at the same time.
Research importance
More significantly, the intensity of the sexual response varies in males and females considering
time. Understanding this differences is therefore of great importance since partners can
understand their bodies together with their responses thus enhance their sexual experience.
Based on the research, it was evident that there are many stereotypical beliefs that exist
regarding differences between the sexual behavior and attitudes of people based on their gender.
Thus, most cultures have focused on differences between males/females or men/women rather
than similarities. This, research, however, suggests that although some of these beliefs are true,
many others are clearly false. Even when differences are found, the size of these differences
varies as a function of many factors such as age and culture.
The differences regarding sexual responsiveness between males and females occur as seen in the
areas of anatomy and physiology. Scientific study shows that most of the females experience
multiple orgasms compared to most males’ experiences also known as the refractory period.
After the male ejaculation and the time before they become erect again.
Therefore, males have an easy time determining their sexual arousal, simply because
erect penis provides a clear cue opposite to the females do not have such an indicator. However,
men and women both experience sexual arousal hen exposed to erotic images, but there exist a
difference in what arouses them (Crooks & Baur 2013). Looking at the Heterosexual men, they
become aroused mostly by women’s bodies, while and homosexual gets aroused mostly by
men’s bodies. On the other hand, heterosexual women are thought to be mostly aroused visual
depictions of either sex, especially if sexual activity is taking place though lesbians are thought
to be aroused mostly by erotic images of women.
Among the differences, Women are likely more flexible throughout their lifetime in their
sexual orientation and preferences for certain sexual activities compared to men, since they tend
to hold fixed approaches towards sexuality( Schnarch,1991). A larger number of men is likely to
develop paraphilia (sexual arousal in response to atypical situations,). Looking at the Women
with high sex drives, they are likely to be attracted to both sexes something unlikely to happen
for men with high sex. Despite the beliefs of sexual scientists that male and female bodies follow
the same sexual response pattern, it is suggested that at times, a woman’s sexual desire in most
cases is directly linked to erotic physical stimulation. Other contributing factors include feelings
of closeness to their partner rather than sexual thoughts or fantasies as it happens in most men.
Research methods
Research methods included a well formulated questionnaire that consisted different
questions to both male and female gender. The work indicated that arousal and satisfaction of
sexual pleasure were different upon the genders. Most of the women confessed that their sexual
desire was linked to physical stimulation or physical closeness of their partners. While men
developed paraphilia (sexual arousal in response to atypical situations,).
Ethical issues involved
Some of the ethics considered during the research were that single-sex relations existed
among individuals and involved development of individuals in a state of narcissism. Also,
though sexual orientation to same-sex persons may be seen as abuse from the same-sex adult, we
had to respect individuals take on their sexual relationship. We had in mind that from a
biological and biblical point of view, sexuality is largely depended on procreation though we
could judge the single relationships to a divine violation of this precepts.
Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2013). Our sexuality. Cengage Learning.
Lousada, M., & Angel, E. (2011). Tantric orgasm: beyond Masters and Johnson. Sexual
and Relationship Therapy, 26(4), 389-402.
Schnarch, D. M. (1991). Constructing the sexual crucible: An integration of sexual and
marital therapy. WW Norton & Company.
Swartz, L. H. (1994). Absorbed states play different roles in female and male sexual
response: hypotheses for testing. Journal of sex & marital therapy, 20(3), 244-253.