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BIO 192 – Exam II SI Review Worksheet
Dr. Aguirre & Dr. LaMontagne
Match the terms with their corresponding definition.
Selection for traits that provide a mating advantage
System used to classify living organisms
Differential survival and/or reproduction of individuals with certain sets of alleles
Similarity in structure found in organisms of separate lineages
A visual representation of the evolutionary history of populations, genes, or species
Change in the allele frequencies within a population over time (generations)
The process by which similar traits evolve independently in unrelated lineages
Similarity in structure due to common descent
1. _____________ Evolution
2. _____________ Natural Selection
3. _____________ Sexual Selection
4. _____________ Phylogenetic Tree
5. _____________ Homology
6. _____________ Homoplasy
7. _____________ Convergent Evolution
8. _____________ Taxonomy
Define the following terms.
1. Phylogeny:
2. Phylogenetics:
3. Systematics:
4. Taxonomy:
5. Taxon:
Multiple Choice.
9. The total genetic information present in a population is called:
a. Gene flow
b. Gene pool
c. Speciation
d. Claudograph
10. Common features used to infer evolutionary history are called
a. Taxons
b. Branches
c. Characters
d. Species
11. Which of the following requires that phylogenetic trees be created with the least
number of evolutionary transitions?
a. Neutral theory of molecular evolution
b. Cladistics
c. Phylogenetics
d. Principle of Parsimony
e. Biological Species Concept
1. When would you use a two sample t-test? What is the equation?
2. When would you use a paired-sample t-test? What is the equation?
3. What are descriptive statistics? What are they used for?
4. What are inferential statistics? What are they used for?
1. Ecology is the scientific study of
2. Temperature, water, pH, and elevation are examples of ____________________.
3. Predators, parasites, competitors, and mates are examples of __________________.
4. Sexual selection that occurs between members of the same sex is said to be
5. Sexual selection that occurs between members of different sexes is __________________.
6. What is reciprocal altruism? Give an example.
7. What is kin selection? Give an example.
8. Name the dispersion patterns displayed in each on the board.