Download Word of the Day / Word Study Activities

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Word of the Day Activities
You must complete 5 activities – three from the Spelling section and two from the
Vocabulary section. All words on your list should be used unless otherwise specified.
Spelling Activities
Practice Makes Perfect: Arrange with an adult or a person at home to give you a
practice spelling test. The practice test must be written, and adult signature is
required! Write any word you miss three times correctly.
Uno, Dos, Tres: Choose the ten words you need to study most. Write each word
three times: once in cursive, once in print, and once in all capital letters. Say each
letter aloud as you write.
Order Up!: Write your words in ABC order and then again in reverse CBA order.
Where’s Wordo?: Create a word search using all of your words. Have someone
solve your puzzle and sign it. You can go to to make the
puzzle. You must include the word bank.
What’s Missing?: Write your spelling words, leaving out at least one letter in each
word. Give your list to a friend to fill in the blanks. Check your friend’s answers.
Code Talker: Use the following code, a red marker, and a blue marker to write your
spelling words. Code: red = vowels; blue = consonants.
Picture This: Draw a picture. “Hide” your words in the picture.
Conjunction Junction: Classify your words according to their parts of speech.
Stepping Down: Write a word triangle for each of your words. See example.
Vocabulary Activities
Sentences/Story: Write ten sentences OR create a story using at least ten of your
words. Sentences must be creative and use the word in its correct context.
Underline each of your list words!
Criss Cross: On a piece of graph paper, (or using an online program) make a
crossword puzzle using as many of the words on your list as you can make fit. Be
sure to include the clues (definitions). Then give your puzzle to a friend to solve.
You can go to to make the puzzle.
Just a Flash in the Pan: Make a set of flash cards to study your words. Each card
should include the correct spelling, the definition, and a picture that illustrates the
Acrostics: Write an acrostic poem for ten of your words. The acrostic words or
phrases must help to explain the definition of the word. See example.
Scullery is a place where
Utensils are cleaned
Large pans and
Yellow pots
(vocabulary word)
Taboo: Make a set of “Taboo” cards for your
vocabulary words. In the game “Taboo” you try to
get your teammates to guess a word, by giving
them one-word clues. However, on each card
there are five words that you can’t use in your
clues. See example.
Wanted – Dead or Alive!: Make a set of
Wanted – Dead or Alive! posters for ten of
your vocabulary words. Use the vocabulary
word in the name of the person who is
wanted, and use the definition of the word to
explain the crime. See example.
Scullery Maid Sue
For stealing
all the pots and
pans she was
supposed to clean!