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Human Body Systems in Action: Interrelationship of the Body Systems: Safari Montage
Bod y Sy st e m s Wor kin g Tog e t h e r
Major human body systems include the skeletal and muscular systems, the circulatory and respiratory
systems, the digestive and excretory systems, and the nervous system. These systems all have
different jobs and abilities, but work together with one objective — a healthy human body!
— 5 blindfolds
— a small plastic bucket full of water
— chalk
— a ruler
— a tray
— 6 students per group
— an open area to work (outside is best.
1. Have your five volunteers spread out but stand close enough so that their fingers touch.
2. Use chalk to draw circles around the feet of each volunteer to mark their position. Your volunteers
may want to stretch to get nice and loose. They’ll be doing some physical work!
3. Each volunteer will represent a body system. The challengeis for all the systems to work together
to get a job done —just as the systems of the body work together to keep us healthy. In this case, a
small bucket of water must be moved from person to person — first kid to the last — without spilling a
drop. However, each system will have special abilities and limitations, like the systems of the human
body do:
a. The first person’s feet must remain planted and can only use his/her hands.
b. The second person’s feet can move within the circle but cannot use his/her hands.
c. The third person must keep a tray in both hands at all times.
d. The fourth person’s hands can be used but must stay behind his/her back.
e. The last person in line has to use a ruler instead of his/her hands.
f. All five volunteers must wear blindfolds and cannot talk.
g. One student will be the leader. You will be the only one who can see, move around freely and talk.
4. As the leader, you will be giving instructions to the group of volunteers to help them accomplish the
goal of moving the bucket of water from person #1 to person #5. When your group is ready, you can
• Which human body system was the leader of the group most like? Explain.
• What was the most challenging aspect of completing this investigation?
• In what ways did the group rely on the leader? In what ways did the leader rely on the group? In
what ways did the group rely on each other?