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1.) The science that studies behavior and mental processes is known as _________.
2.) The distinct patterns of behavior, including thoughts and feelings, that characterize a person’s adaptation to life is know as
3.) A ________ is a medical doctor who specializes in the study and treatment of psychological disorders.
4.) A ________ is a person trained as a professional in the science of psychology.
5.) The 12 fields of psychology are:
a. clinical
b. counseling
c. school/educational
d. developmental
e. personality
f. social
g. experimental
h. industrial/organizational
i. environmental
j. consumer
k. forensic
l. health
Match each to the correct definition:
__ 1. study relationships between people & work
__ 2. focus on behavior of shoppers
__ 3. help students who encounter problems that interfere with learning
__ 4. define & examine human traits
__ 5. how behavior & mental processes are related to physical well being
__ 6. study of physical, cognitive, moral, social, & emotional changes in life span
__ 7. study of overt behavior in social situations
__ 8. assist in the criminal justice system
__ 9. study the effects of the physical environment on people & vice versa
__ 10. engage in basic research
__ 11. evaluate people’s problems by structured interviews & psychological tests
__ 12. test people who have adjustment problems rather than serious psychological disorders
6.) Name and describe the 4 goals of psychology.
7.) The 7 contemporary perspectives in psychology are:
a. biological
b. evolutionary
c. cognitive
d. humanistic
e. psychodynamic
f. sociocultural
g. learning
Match each to the correct definition.
__ 1. deliberate choice and the unconscious
__ 2. inherited tendencies
__ 3. focus on brain & nervous system
__ 4. free will; living up to our full potential
__ 5. the mind processes information
__ 6. ethnicity, culture, gender, socioeconomic status
__ 7. observing behavior
8.) Put the following research procedures into the correct order:
___ analyze & interpret the results
___ devise a study to test the hypothesis, then run the study & get results
___ generate ideas & formulate a research question
___ draw conclusions & communicate the results
___develop a hypothesis
9.) The major psychologist that believed in learning through observing was __________.
10.) Describe each of the following:
1. Survey
2. Case-Study
3. Testing
4. Longitudinal & Cross-Sectional
5. Naturalistic-Observation
6. Laboratory-Observation
7. Correlational
8. Experimental
11.) Describe the difference between a random sample & a stratified sample.
12.) This man is one of the most famous psychologists because he founded the idea of psychoanalysis and discovered
the importance of unconscious motives in human behavior. He also used mainly case studies for his experiments. His
name is __________.
13.) Three cognitive psychologists are:
14.) The argument that debates whether human behavior is determined primarily by heredity or one’s surrounding
environment is know as _____________________.
15.) ____________ measure what a test is supposed to measure.
16.) When something is not interfering, it is said to be ___________.
17.) A ___________ is a statement that attempts to explain why things are they way they are and happen the way
they do.
18.) Any action that other people can observe or measure is a ____________.
19.) __________ is a feeling that can make a person alert and often provides motivation.
20.) A factor that researchers can manipulate so that they can determine its effect is the ___________ variable,
whereas they factor that depends on the other is known as the ___________ variable.
21.) In a study, the group that receives treatment is known as the __________ group and the group that does not
receive treatment is the ___________ group.
22.) A ___________ is a study where the participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the
control group, as opposed to a _______________ study where neither the participants nor the experimenters are
aware of who is receiving the treatment.
23.) There are 4 factors that influence our perception, they are:
24.) ____________ is the stimulation if sensory receptors and the transmission of sensory information into the central
nervous system (aka. When our senses have picked up a message from the environment – simply “taking it all in”)
25.) ____________ is the process by which sensations are organized into inner representations of the world ( aka.
Interpreting what we sense – making sense out of sensations)
26.) The smallest amount of a particular stimulus that can be detected is ____________.
27.) A ___________ occurs when principles of perceptual organization lead to misrepresentations of reality.
28.) A set amount of change that must occur in order to be able to sense change in one of the senses is known as
29.) When you are getting used to something you are being ___________, but when you are getting un-used to it you
are being __________.
30.) Name the 4 constancies and describe them:
31.) The 3 types of blindness:
a. Sensitive to only black and white b. Only sensitive to certain colors (partially color blind) c. Normal color vision –
32.) ___________ is the number of cycles per second as expressed in the unit Hertz.
33.) The greater the number of cycles per second, the higher the ________.
34.) The __________ of the wave determines the loudness of the sound produced.
35.) Loudness is measure in a unit called ___________.
36.) This is the bony tube in the ear that contains fluids as well as neurons that move in response to the vibrations of
the fluids, it is called the ___________.
37.) These 3 tiny bones make up the middle of the ear:
38.) Conduction deafness deal with the _______ part of the ear, sensory-neural deafness deals with the _______ part
of the ear, & stimulation deafness deals with ____________.
39.) When a person adjusts his or her ears toward the sound they are _________ the sound.
40.) The two chemical senses are __________ & ___________.
41.) The four taste qualities are:
42.) Flavor depends on these four things:
43.) When two or more senses work together to produce a common sensation it is known as ____________________.
44.) The 6 basic types of touch receptors in the skin are:
45.) Fingertips, lips, noses, and cheeks are the ________ sensitive past of the body because they are more densely
packed with nerve endings.
46.) The 5 skin senses are:
47.) The most prominent of all the senses is __________.
48.) The ________ theory says that your body blocks off pain messengers so that they are not able to get through.
49.) The bodies natural pain killers are called _____________.
50.) A fake treatment (ex. Sugar pills, etc.) is known as a ___________.
51.) ______________ is the sense that informs us about the positions and motion of the parts of our bodies.
52.) The sense of equilibrium that informs us about our bodies’ positions relative to gravity is called
53.) Visual cues that only need one eye to be perceived are __________ whereas when both eyes are needed it is called
54.) Nearness can also be called ____________.
55.) A relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience is ________.
56.) The Russian biologist who used classical conditioning on dogs was _____________.
57.) In Pavlov’s dogs, the UCS is __________, the UCR is ____________, the NS is __________, the CS is
____________, and the CR is _______________.
58.) The form of learning that occurs when a stimulus elicits a response is ___________.
59.) Name and explain the 4 types of classical conditioning:
60.) When a conditioned stimulus not longer elicits a conditioned response, this loss of memory is known as __________.
61.) When something displays memory responses that were earlier extinguished it is known as _____________.
62.) The act of responding in the same ways to stimuli that seem to be similar is ___________.
63.) When a person responds differently to stimuli that are not similar to each other it is called ___________.
64.) The __________________ experiment was one in which the UCS was a loud noise which then elicited a UCR of
crying. Then an NS of a white rat was added, which became the CS, and ended up eliciting the crying again, the CR.
65.) Identify each of the following:
a. The psychological and physiological reaction to an expected danger, whether real or imagined –
b. A period of extreme anxiety and physical symptoms –
c. An intense fear of a specific object or situation –
66.) A simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in behavior because it is reinforced is known as
67.) Water, food, and adequate warmth are example of ___________ reinforcers.
68.) ___________ reinforcers, such as money, are also called conditioned reinforcers.
69.) A ____________ reinforcer will increase the probability that an operant will occur when they are applied.
70.) A ____________ reinforcer will increase the probability than an operant will occur when they are removed.
71.) When every correct response is not reinforced, it is know as a _________ reinforcer.
72.) When every correct response is reinforced it is known as __________ reinforcement.
73.) A __________________ is formed when reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of correct responses.
74.) A __________________ is formed when reinforcement is provided after a variable number of correct responses
have been made.
75.) A varying amount of time that is allowed to elapse between making reinforcement available is known as
76.) A fixed amount of time must elapse between the previous and subsequent times that reinforcement is available.
This is known as __________________.
77.) ________________ are aversive events that suppress or decrease the frequency of the behavior they follow.
78.) __________________ was a secret war weapon that B.F. Skinner devised in order to have birds lead missiles to
their intended targets.
79.) Learning that remains hidden until needed is called __________________.
80.) Identify the following types of media violence:
a. monkey see, monkey do –
b. getting away with or being rewarded for violence –
c. gets the audience worked up –
d. we become used to desensitization –
81.) Identify the following means of settling conflict:
a. an objective party hears both sides and makes a decision for the 2 conflicting parties –
b. person with the some sort of attachment finds a compromise –
c. two conflicting sides come to a compromise by themselves –