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Chapters 5&6 Exam Study Guide
1. Define learning and explain the difference between learning and maturation.
2. Which psychologist was responsible for the discovering Classical Conditioning?
3. Describe the following components of classical conditioning and explain how the process of
Classical Conditioning works (ie what are the rules of Classical Conditioning)
4. Describe the difference between classical and operant conditioning.
5. Explain extinction. How does extinction work?
6. Describe the Little Albert experiment. Who were the main psychologists in charge of this
experiment? How did it work and what did their research prove?
7. What is Garcia’s conditional empotional response theory?
8. What is reinforcement?
9. Define each of these terms and provide an example
Primary Reinforcer
Secondary Reinforcer
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
10. What are some common “problems” associated with punishment?
11. How can you increase the effects of punishment?
12. Define shaping and describe how someone can use shaping to influence or change behavior.
13. What is the difference between continuos and partial reinforcement? Provide an example of
14. Define and provide an example of each of the following schedules of reinforcement
Variable ratio
Fixed ratio
Fixed interval
Variable interval
15. What is a discriminative stimulus?
16. Define the term token economy and provide an example.
17. What is ABA? How does it work?
18. What are biofeedback and neurofeedback? What types of conditions are treated using these
19. Who developed the concept of latent learning? What is latent learning?
20. What is insight learning and who developed this concept and how?
21. What is learned helplessness? Who developed the idea of learned helplessness and how? How
does learned helplessness help develop the theory of learned optimism?
22. What is the Bobo Doll study and what type of learning does it prove?
23. What is the learning/performance distinction?
24. What are the four components of Observational Learning? Describe how an error in each of
these steps could negatively impact the learning process.
25. What are the three processes of memory. Define each process.
26. What would an error look like at each of the three processes of memory?
27. What is the TOT (Tip of the tongue phenomenon)? What is an example of this phenomenon?
28. What are the three models of memory and how does each model explain the memory process.
29. What are the three parts of the Information Processing model of memory?
30. Define and describe each of the following types of memory
Episodic Memory
Procedural Memory
Declarative Memory
Semantic Memory
Explicit Memory
Implicit Memory
Short Term Memory
Working Memory
31. What is a retrieval cue? Provide an example
32. What is an elaborative rehearsal cue? Provide an example
33. What is encoding specificity?
34. What is the difference between recall and recognition? Provide an example of each?
35. What is the serial position effect?
36. What is a false positive?
37. Explain the constructive processing model of memory and some of the problems associated with
38. What is the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve? Where/When do the greatest amount of forgetting
errors occur?
39. Define Proactive and Retroactive interference and provide an example of each.
40. How does the case study of HM relate to memory and brain function? Explain