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Overview ......................................................................................... 1
What is the Lab? ............................................................................. 1
Concepts ......................................................................................... 1
Objectives........................................................................................ 2
Arizona Science Standards .............................................................. 2
College and Career Ready ELA Standards ....................................... 3
Next Generation Science Standards ............................................... 4
Learning Progressions ..................................................................... 4
Brief Background Information ........................................................ 5
Extended Background Information ................................................. 7
Links and References .................................................................... 11
2nd-6th grade
Nano Latch ‘N’ Catch is a 60-minute, facilitator-led gallery
laboratory activity during which students diagnose patients by
identifying key molecules that distinguish between cell types and
then create specialized nanocapsules that seek and destroy
Pre- and post- activities help prepare for the Nano Latch ‘N’ Catch
program and also reinforce or extend key concepts of the lab.
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Students observe and compare x-rays between healthy and sick
They observe cell sample models from patients and draw the
differences between them. They focus on the unique shapes on
the surfaces of cells, called receptors.
We discuss how the body naturally fights diseases by recognizing
surface receptor shapes and by making antibodies against them.
Students match antibodies to corresponding disease receptors
and construct a nanocapsule using the antibody that recognizes
the disease from which their patient is suffering.
They treat their patients using the nanomedicines they have
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As we learn more about disease processes, scientists are working
on miniaturizing medicines and making them “smart” to target
their effects.
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To prevent people from getting sick or avoid future problems,
miniature internal, highly sensitive detectors/sensors to monitor
health are being developed to screen for problems earlier, less
invasively, and more precisely.
A lot of very imaginative engineering at the nanoscale (the size of
molecules and atoms) applies biomedical knowledge to develop
new ways of keeping people healthy.
Cells are attributed properties of multi-cellular organisms,
including psychological properties.
Students have trouble visualizing particles.
They may think particles can “think” or “see” rather than respond
to the chemical environment.
They are not well-informed about chemical processes and
feedback loops in the body.
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Students learn about cell receptors and their functions; they learn
about how antibodies work by recognizing receptor shapes.
Students learn how nanocapsules target and deliver medicine to
diseases cells. They learn that nanocapsules circulate through the
blood until they latch onto their targets.
They manipulate materials and models to match cells with their
antibodies, match patients with their disease, construct a model
nanocapsule to deliver medicine, and treat the illness.
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(3-LS3-1, 3-LS4-2)
(3-LS4-4, 4-LS1-1, 4-LS1-2)
(3-LS4-4, 4-LS1-1, 4-LS1-2)
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Basic Functions (3-5)
 Some germs may keep the body from working properly. For
defense against germs, the human body has tears, saliva, and
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skin to prevent many germs from getting into the body and
special cells to fight germs that do get into the body.
In something that consists of many parts, the parts usually
influence one another.
Basic Functions (6-8)
 Specialized cells and the molecules they produce identify and
destroy microbes that get inside the body.
 Thinking about things as systems means looking for how every
part relates to the others. The output from one part of a
system (which can include material, energy, or information)
can become the input to other parts. Such feedback can serve
to control what goes in the system as a whole.
Particle Model of Matter
Grades 6 – 8 (one 8-10 week unit at Middle School Level)
 Structure and behavior of Atoms and Molecules (includes
particle concept, movement, and conservation principles).
Modeling across topics such as matter and energy (Modeling is
fore grounded)
Across Grades 4 – 8
 Important aspects of understanding and engaging in using
models, (constructing, critiquing, and revising models) as well
as important aspects of the nature of models (understanding
that models are tools for making predictions and
Nature of matter (Nanoscience literacy)
Across grades 7 – 14
 Structure of matter, periodic table, and ionic forces (i.e.
interatomic forces)
Laboratory experiences in life sciences
Grades 1 – 13
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Nano is very, very small.
A molecule is a group of two or more atoms that stick together.
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Molecules are so small that nobody can see them, except with an
electron microscope.
Everything on Earth is made of molecules. The cells in our bodies
are made of molecules, too.
Our immune system has special molecules that recognize shapes
on the surfaces of disease-causing organisms that enter our
The cells of the immune system, called antibodies, latch onto
“receptor” shapes on the invaders, called antigens, and block
them from attaching to our bodies, reproducing, and making us
The immune system cells have millions of different surface
molecules to match almost every possible shape.
Antibodies are important in keeping our bodies in balance.
Each antibody binds to a specific receptor or antigen; an
interaction similar to a lock and key.
At the nano level, scientists are researching how to manipulate
materials and create models by studying how molecules naturally
self-assemble in nature.
By studying self-assembly, scientist are working to:
match cells with their antibodies, and
construct nanocapsules to deliver medicine and treat a
patient’s illness. Using the lock and key concept, these
nanocapsules circulate through the blood and target and
deliver medicine to diseases cells, by latching on to them.
Self-assembly is a process by which molecules recognize each
other and stick together.
Molecules that stick together during self-assembly may form
themselves into specific, ordered structures under the right
Self-assembly can be used by scientists to create objects on the
Researchers in the field of nanotechnology are studying selfassembly and molecular recognition in order to create new
materials and technologies.
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“Nano” simply means small. In the scientific community, nano is a
concept related to subcellular structures and processes. The
illustration below has three visual examples of the size and the
scale of nanotechnology, showing just how small things at the
nanoscale actually are.
The concept of nano is not new. Everything around us is made of
atoms...the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the buildings and
houses we live in, and our own bodies. Our bodies are put
together from billions of living cells especially suited to perform
all of life’s functions.
Cells are nature's nanomachines, where parts of the
cell (subcellular structures
called organelles) work
together much like the
components of a home
(plumbing, electrical, cooling,
support) to create a balanced
comfortable environment in
our body. *2
Nature has perfected the science of manufacturing cells and other
matter, molecule by molecule, in a process scientists call selfassembly. Biological molecules rely on self-assembly to form and
maintain the structures of life. During self-assembly, molecules
naturally bond together to create proteins and DNA.
In an attempt to mimic that which happens in nature, scientists
are observing self-assembly processes and researching how to
control and handle atoms and molecules.
Self-assembly *3
All communication and chemistry between cells is made possible
when molecules recognize and respond to each other. The “rules”
of the nano-scale define the way that matter sticks together and
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behaves. Atoms are attracted to each other based on electric
charge and bind to form molecules. Molecules then stick together
based on electrical charge and three-dimensional shape. When
they match, molecules snap together like magnetic locks and
keys. This is known as molecular recognition. This process
requires very little to no energy, so it happens easily and on its
For example, if an antibody fits a receptor electrically and threedimensionally, they will snap together. Only perfect matches
permit a response. Biochemical matching is exact which is why
the body can carry out so many complex reactions at once and
also why nanomedicines have the power to distinguish between
Each antibody binds to a specific receptor; an interaction similar to a lock and
key. *4
NOTE: Students can explore molecular recognition in the preoutreach activities that follow.
Nature has been self-assembling things for billions of years by
using the “rules” of the nano-scale. Understanding self-assembly
and molecular recognition is central to understanding how
scientists research, design, and create things at the nano level.
Scientists are using this information to create new materials and
devices, such as:
medical treatments for different diseases
miniature diagnostics called “labs on chips”
diagnostic tests that can determine whether someone has a
disease before they even have symptoms.
Cells rely on molecular recognition to sense their environment, to
communicate, and to identify their “friends” and “foes.” Just as
you recognize and respond to your surroundings using sight,
sound, touch, and smell, cells use shapes on their surfaces to
search and collect information about their surroundings and react
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For example, bacterial cells have sugar sensors on their surfaces.
When a sensor nears a sugar molecule, it binds to it and causes
the bacterial cell to creep in the direction of increasing sugar
concentration. Why? Because it has sensed one sugar molecule
and is programmed to want more. It’s sort of like when you smell
chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven and move toward the
delicious smell so that you can eat some!
Scientists have discovered thousands of different sensor
molecules (also called receptors, see below) that cells use to
probe their surroundings. Scientists can now use sensor molecules
to connect cells together into specific shapes.
Sensor molecules have very exact and picky shapes that can only
“dock” with certain molecules from their environment. This
pickiness is called specificity, because each sensor molecule only
recognizes a specific mate. Specificity means that cells can tell the
difference between different conditions and react in the best way.
Researchers can mimic the specificity of molecular recognition to
design and build sensors that identify and respond to chemicals in
the body or in the environment.
For example, miniature glucose sensors, made up of small pieces
of specially-shaped proteins mounted on a chip in a portable
device, can detect the exact concentration of sugar in a diabetic
patient’s blood, communicate that amount to the patient, and
even deliver an appropriate concentration of insulin in response.
While there are still many challenges in simulating molecular
recognition and self-assembly, scientists and engineers get better
at it every day.
Another type of molecular recognition involves antibodies.
Antibodies are proteins that are recruited by the immune system
to help get rid of foreign matter that enters the body. When
foreign agents, like bacteria and viruses enter the body, a type of
white blood cell in your blood, called B-cells, are able to identify
these invaders and make unique antibodies to neutralize each
different kind.
Antibodies that are made to combat different invaders have
different shapes and chemical features; their shapes match the
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shapes present on each invader. The molecular receptor shapes
on the surfaces of invaders and other cells are called antigens.
For example, if I get exposed to strep throat I develop antibodies
against the strep throat bacteria. The strep-throat antibodies in
my blood trap invading microorganisms in large clumps. This
makes it easy for other white blood cells, called macrophages, to
eat them.
Nanoscience, nanotechnology, and/or nanoengineering are fields
of research dealing with nanoscale matter. By understanding cell
processes, scientists hope to better treat illness and disease at a
molecular level in a field called nanomedicine. Each of these areas
of research is interdisciplinary, which means that they rely on
multiple sciences, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and
computer and materials science, to solve a problem together.
New developments in nanoscience are occurring at a rapid pace.
With recent advances in technology, scientists are better able to
see what is happening at a molecular level. This allows them to
create tools that help build and handle naturally occurring
structures at the molecular level. Thus, scientists can use these
structures in ways that nature did not select.
For example, scientists have been able to:
Lab on a Chip * 6
use nano-sized particles of zinc oxide to create a more
transparent and easily spreadable sunscreen
create antimicrobial bandages where nanocapsules of silver in
the bandage help destroy harmful bacteria cells
coat fabrics with nano-sized particles of zinc oxide to help
prevent staining and provide better protection from UV
In the field of nanomedicine, many medical applications are being
researched since virtually all disease, injury, and wear to the body
can be traced to the molecular and cellular levels. For example,
scientists are working to create complex and customized
structures that will assist with diagnostics (“lab on a chip”),
targeted drug delivery (e.g., through viruses, buckyballs, and
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microbubbles to deliver medicines to a precise location in the
body), and with regenerative medicine where body parts can be
regrown. *5
The benefits of this research may include less invasive diagnostics
that are more affordable and are globally available. Additionally,
medicines may become more effective and efficient with less
discomfort and side effects.
A scanning electron microscope
image of a self-assembled DNA
buckyball * 7
While much research still needs to be done to make many goals of
nanomedicine a reality, it is a very promising field that is changing
the future of medicine and medical technology.
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Glowing 'Cornell dots' show surgeons tumors
Antibody Immune Response
The Molecular Recognition Waltz
Disco Docking – Computational Drug Design
Dragonfly TV - Self Assembly Explained (Includes video)
TED Talk: Skylar Tibbits: Can we make things that make themselves?
Direct Observation of Nanoparticle–Cancer Cell Nucleus Interactions
Making Stuff: Smaller Future technologies will depend on tiny stuff—from silicon chips to
micro-robots that probe the human body.
Menswear has a nano coating that repels stains and keeps you smelling good.
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*1 The Scale of Things
*2 Levels of Organization
*3 Self Assembly
*4 Antibody
*5 Lab on a Chip
*6 Buckyball nanocapsules
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