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I. __________ is composed of 1 ______________ and 2 _________________ atoms.
II. The most important ______________ of water is that it is ______________. A
______________ molecule is polar because there is an ______________n distribution of
______________ between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.
III. Water molecules can ______________ to each other because of this ______________. The
attraction between the ______________ atom (slightly ______________) on one water
molecule and the ______________ atom (______________ positive) on another water molecule
is an example of a ______________ ______________.
The dotted lines represent the
hydrogen bond.
Water’s ability to form hydrogen bonds is responsible for many of its
______________. Some of these properties are
a. ______________ – which is an ______________ between molecules of the
______________ substance
i. ______________ is the reason why water forms ______________on a
smooth surface.
ii. The attraction between water molecules causes a condition known as
_______________ _____________.
b. ______________ – is an attraction between ______________ substances.
i. ______________ powers a process called ______________
______________, in which water molecules move ______________ through
a narrow tube, such as the stem of a plant.
Nearly ______________ of your body is made of ______________, water helps move
______________ and other ______________ into and out of your ______________.
______________ – Used to describe molecules or molecular groups that are
______________ to ______________ and other polar solvents.
VII. ______________ – Used to describe molecules or molecular groups that
___________ ______________with water. Hydrocarbons and ______________ are