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Chapter 5 Study Guide: True / False
_____ 1.
Ivan Pavlov purposefully set out to study learning in dogs when he discovered what is
now called classical conditioning. (Page 159)
_____ 2.
A reflex is a classically conditioned response. (Page 160)
_____ 3.
In original trials with his dogs, Pavlov termed the tone the unconditioned stimulus.
(Page 161)
_____ 4.
After classically conditioning little Albert's fear, Watson would later treat this acquired
aversion. (Page 164-165)
_____ 5.
Robert Rescorla showed that classical conditioning works best when the conditioned
stimulus allows for a reliable prediction of the occurrence of the unconditioned
stimulus. (Page 166)
_____ 6.
In his conditioning of fears in Little Albert, Watson could just as easily have used a
flower instead of a white rat as the neutral stimulus. (Page 166)
_____ 7.
The fact that apes are just as afraid of snakes as humans suggests a biological
predisposition to develop fearful responses. (Page 166-167)
_____ 8.
According to Martin Seligman, most common fears are related to the survival of the
human species. (Page 166-167)
_____ 9.
When feeding chemotherapy patients, it has been found that unusual foods can be used
as "scapegoats" to protect the person from developing an aversion to his/her favorite
foods. (Page 167)
_____ 10. A soldier who became drug addicted while fighting in another country has better odds
of full recovery than a teenager who becomes addicted on the streets. (Page 168)
_____ 11. B.F. Skinner tried to forge a career as a writer prior to going into psychology, but he
found that he was not successful at it. (Page 171)
_____ 12. In operant conditioning, learning occurs when a behavior is modified by the
consequences that follow the behavior. (Page 171)
_____ 13. Superstitious behavior is found only in humans. (Page 172)
_____ 14. Negative reinforcement lowers behavior rates. (Page 173)
_____ 15. Giving a car dealer a bonus after every three cars she/he sells is an example of a fixed
interval schedule. (Page 174-175)
_____ 16. Josh has been told by his mother that he may not go outside to play until he finishes
cleaning his room. This is an example of positive reinforcement. (Page 173-174)
_____ 17. Continuous reinforcement results in a greater resistance to extinction than does partial
reinforcement. (Page 174)
_____ 18. Positive reinforcement strengthens behavior, negative reinforcement weakens behavior
and punishment eliminates behavior altogether. (Page 173-179)
_____ 19. When a young child studies hard in school to avoid getting bad grades, we might say
that their behavior is being maintained by negative reinforcement. (Page 173)
_____ 20. Blake is a retired railroad conductor who lives alone. The highpoint of his day is when
the mail truck arrives; however, this also proves to be a daily frustration. The mail
courier does not keep a tight schedule, and is extremely inconsistent about delivery
times. This drives Blake crazy. Although not happy about it, Blake is being reinforced
on a variable-interval schedule. (Page 176)
_____ 21. In operant conditioning, the focus is on what precedes the response. (Page 178)
_____ 22. Jamal has been told by his father that he cannot go play ball with his friends until he
finishes raking the leaves in the yard. This is an example of punishment. (Page 180)
_____ 23. Punishment is used in every culture to control and suppress people's behavior.
(Page 180)
_____ 24. Learned helplessness is a phenomenon that results from being overwhelmed by
negative reinforcement. (Page 181)