Download Chapter 10 Section 1 - HMS Team 6B World Studies

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Natural Riches of Europe
I. Geography
A. waterways- surrounds Europe on the north, west, and south
1. Oceans and seas
a. Mediterranean Sea
(1) South coast of Europe
(2) warm water
(a) helps moderate climate of region
(b) provides rain to irrigate crops
b. Atlantic Ocean- borders the west
c. Arctic Ocean- borders the north
2. Major rivers of Europe- Transport goods and people to inland Europe
a. Rhine River
(1) one of the busiest rivers in the world
(2) flows through Germany to the North Sea
b. Danube River- flows from the Alps to the Black Sea
c. Volga River
(1) flows through Russia
(2) Longest river in Europe
(3) Stretches 2,200 miles
B. Landforms of Europe
1. Several peninsulas
a. body of land surrounded by water on three sides
b. Some consider Europe, itself, to be a giant peninsula
c. Scandinavian peninsula
(1) Norway and Sweden
(2) Many fjords are found here
a. a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea located between steep cliffs
b. formed by glacier
d. Iberian peninsula
(1) Portugal and Spain
e. Balkan Peninsula
(1) At the southern tip is Greece
2. Mountain Ranges
a. Pyrenees
(1) separates the Iberian peninsula from the rest of the continent
b. Ural
(1) separates Europe from Asia
c. Alps
(1) stretches through central Europe
d. These mountains form a natural barrier
(1) for many years these mountains separated people
(2) This barrier explains how different cultures developed over the years.
C. The Great European Plain (also called The North European Plain)
1. Definition of a plain- a large, flat area of land usually without many trees
2. Stretches from the coast of to the Ural mountains
3. Contains some of the world's richest resources- including farmland
4. Trade centers attracted people to this area
a. today some of the largest cities are
(1) Paris
(2) Berlin
(3) Warsaw
(4) Moscow
II. Climate- Average temperature and precipitation over a period of time
A. Western Europe
1. Has a moderate climate due to the Gulf Stream
a. Warm air that forms at the tip of Florida and blows warm winds to Europe
2. Atlantic Ocean brings moisture to the western region
B. Northern Europe
1. Extreme temperatures
2. winter months bring Arctic winds
C. Southern Europe
1. Hot, dry summers
2. Mediterranean Sea affects climate- warm temperature and moist air
III. Natural Resources
A. Variety of minerals
1. Coal deposits in Germany's Ruhr Valley
2. Russia and Ukraine have large iron deposits
B. Soil and rainfall
1. Climate is well-suited for growing crops
2. Fertile soil has plenty of nutrients to grow crops
3. Atlantic and Mediterranean provide precipitation