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DOG Week 27
1. Which of these is a human-made feature?
A. plateau
B. peninsula
C. highway
2. Which of these is a physical feature?
A. bridge
B. plateau
C. road
3. What physical feature covers most of the middle part of the United States?
1. Which physical feature covers most of the western part of the United States?
2. What is a peninsula? ______________________________________________________________
3. Which is the largest kind of waterway?
A. stream
B. ocean
C. river
1. Which river is the longest in the United States? __________________________________________
2. Which two rivers are the largest branches of the Mississippi River?
__________________________________ and _____________________________________
1. On which river is the city of St. Louis located? ___________________________________________
2. What river forms the border between Kentucky and Indiana? __________________________
*Our test on these ten questions will be on Friday. The questions might be worded differently on the test.
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