Download STUDY GUIDE SECTION 46-1 The Circulatory System

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The Circulatory System
Name _____________________
Period __________
Date ____________
Multiple Choice-Write the correct letter in the blank
1. ______ Which of the following is the most important to the heartbeat?
a. aortic valve
b. lymph node
c. sinoatrial node
d. tricuspid valve
2. ______Exchange of nutrients and waste between blood and body tissues occurs across
a. arterioles
b. capillaries
c. arteries
d. veins
3. ______ During its circulation from the left atrium to the left ventricle, what percentage of
the blood enters the pulmonary circulation?
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 100%
d. none of these.
4. ______ Which of the following is unique to the pulmonary circulation?
a. capillaries that exchange gases with the surrounding tissue.
b. arteries that carry blood away from the heart.
c. deoxygenated blood in an artery.
d. oxygenated blood in an artery.
5. ______ The lymphatic system is important for the normal function of the body because it
a. carries newly formed blood to the cardiovascular system.
b. returns excess intercellular fluid to the cardiovascular system.
c. provides an alternative route for blood during strenuous exercise.
d. carries oxygen to the lymph nodes.
Short Answer-Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Describe the function of the lymphatic system. __________________________________
2. Specifically describe the function of the lymph nodes. ____________________________
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A. Use the Venn diagram below to describe arteries and veins. You should have a total of at
least 7 statements.
B. Use the ventral view of the human heart below to label the parts of the heart.
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Multiple Choice-Write the correct letter in the blank
1. ______Phagocytes
a. carry hemoglobin
b. produce antibodies
c. engulf microorganisms
d. synthesize erythrocytes
2. ______When oxygen is carried by the blood, it is bonded to
a. platelets
b. plasma
c. hemoglobin
d. antibodies
3. ______Platelets
a. are formed in lymph nodes.
b. produce hemoglobin.
c. are involved with blood clotting.
d. are whole cells.
4. ______ Mature red blood cells
a. live for several years
b. are the largest cells in the blood.
c. promote clotting.
d. do not have a nucleus.
5. ______If someone is receiving a blood transfusion, which of the following is most
important to know?
a. the number of erythrocytes in the donated blood.
b. if the father of the donor is Rh+.
c. the donor’s blood type.
d. if the blood recipient has eaten within the last six hours.
Short Answer-Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Explain how oxygen is transported in the blood. _________________________________
2. Describe the role of platelets in blood clotting. __________________________________
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3. Explain why a person with type AB blood can donate only to a person with the same
blood type. ______________________________________________________________
4. Explain how a lack of dietary iron might affect the oxygen-carrying capacity of the
blood. __________________________________________________________________
5. Describe antibodies. _______________________________________________________
6. What are antigens? ________________________________________________________
7. How does a person’s body respond to foreign antigens? ___________________________
8. Look at Table 46-1 in the book.
If a person has type B blood, what antigens do they have? _________________________
What antibodies are in their plasma? __________________________________________
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Use the table below to answer the following questions.
1. Explain why type O blood can be donated in a blood transfusion regardless of the
recipient’s blood type. _____________________________________________________
2. Describe the antibody-antigen interactions that would occur if an Rh- person with type B
blood received blood from an Rh+ person with type AB blood. _____________________
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The Respiratory System
Multiple Choice-Write the correct letter in the blank
1. ______ Cilia that line the walls of air passageways
a. move the inspired air to the alveoli.
b. move the expired air to the nasal cavity.
c. clean the inspired air.
d. moisten the expired air.
2. ______The exchange of gases that occurs at an alveolus depends on
a. elevated blood pressure
c. mucus carrying dissolved oxygen.
b. concentration gradients.
d. bronchioles closing during expiration.
3. _____Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood
a. bound to hemoglobin.
c. as bicarbonate ions.
b. in plasma.
d. all of these.
4. ______Inspiration occurs when
a. the diaphragm pushes upward.
b. thoracic volume increases.
c. blood pressure increases.
d. thoracic pressure increases.
5. ______The rate of breathing is controlled by cells within
a. a specialized node located in the bronchus.
b. the diaphragm.
c. the brain.
d. stretch receptors located between the ribs.
Short Answer-Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Is the nasal cavity part of the respiratory system? Defend your answer. _______________
2. How is MOST carbon dioxide transported in the blood? __________________________
3. Describe the function of the epiglottis. ________________________________________
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4. Explain, in detail, how the larynx functions. ___________________________________
5. Describe the skeletal and muscular changes when a person inhales. _________________
6. Describe skeletal and muscular changes when a person exhales. ____________________
STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Use the figure below to answer the following questions.
1. What drives the diffusion of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide from a blood cell
to an alveolus?
2. Does the exchange of carbon dioxide depend on the concentration of oxygen in the
alveoli and the blood? Support your answer. ___________________________________
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