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Summer Field Studies 2016: Staff Application
Dorr Museum of Natural History – College of the Atlantic
105 Eden St. Bar Harbor, ME 04609
Thank you for your interest in College of the Atlantic’s Summer Field Studies 2016.
Please answer the following 13 questions directly in this document.
Resave this application with your name in the filename.
Attach this application, along with a cover letter and resume in an email and send it to
[email protected]. Please type “Staff Application” in the subject line.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
Current Address:
Permanent Address (if different):
Please answer the following questions:
1. Are you applying for a Program Leader or Assistant Program Leader position?
2. What is your personal mission? How is it revealed or demonstrated to others in your everyday life?
3. What are the most significant experiences you have that qualify you to lead environmental
education lessons in the outdoors?
4. What experience do you have in planning and leading educational lessons and units?
5. What are your particular areas of interest or expertise in ecology and natural history?
6. How knowledgeable are you about the natural and cultural history of coastal Maine?
7. Do you hold a current drivers license (yes or no)?
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8. If you do have a driver license, do you have any traffic violations on your driving record from the
last four years (yes or no; if “yes”, please describe and date violation)?
9. Have you ever been dismissed, released, or requested to resign from any position (yes or no, if yes
please explain)?
10. Are you currently certified in the following (yes or no; if “yes”, give an expiration date)?
Standard First Aid:
Adult/Child CPR:
Other first aid (i.e. WFR):
Emergency Water Safety:
Other water safety course:
(We will arrange a water safety course for staff who need this certification. Staff are responsible for
completing a first aid/CPR course prior to staff training; please let us know-- we can assist you in
finding one.)
11. Please rate the following areas according to your level of expertise and experience.
1 - Have no knowledge
2 - Limited exposure
3 - Have some background/feel comfortable assisting
4 - Feel competent in leading/teaching
__ botany
group challenge activities
__ aquatic ecology
map and compass
__ freshwater
__ marine
sea kayaking
__ photography
__ zoology (specify):
__ outdoor skills (specify):
__ arts and crafts (specify):
environmental issues (specify):
__ other areas of expertise/interest:
12. Indicate your preferred age group choices (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, or 7-9):
13. Please provide three references in the following format:
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I certify that all of the statements made by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
are made in good faith.
(signature, type name)
Thank you for your application!
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