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Bozeman science video questions
Molecules of life
While viewing the Bozeman Science video titled “Biology” complete the
following questions. You might want to watch the video once through, then
watch it a second time stopping it as needed to complete your worksheet.
1. We eat ___________ and it’s building blocks are weaved together to make a _______________
2. _______________ in the burger are broken down into __________ ___________ and these make
proteins in people like you.
3. The sugars that are used to make _________________________ in the bun are broken down into
sugars and used in _______________________ ________________________ to make _________ to move
materials inside you.
4. The ________ inside the burger is used to make ____________ of the ________ membrane of us.
5. Life is built on ___________________. The reason why is that carbon has ________ valence
_________________. So carbon is really good at ____________________. Carbon makes fairly large,
stable molecules and that’s why we are ________________ based.
6. Life is made up of huge ________________ _______________. On the outside of those chains are
__________________ groups. They give ____________________ to the chemical group.
7. The carboxyl group is ______________ and the amino group is ____________. ________________
is needed to make _____________ ______________ which make _______________________.
8. _____________________ is PO4 and is part of _____________.
9. Most molecules are ______________________, which are made up of _________________
Monomers are __________________ blocks and polymers are large ____________________________.
10. There are only _____ polymers and they are built through a process called __________________
synthesis; removing a molecule of _________________ forms a bond.
11. Breaking down polymers involves _____________________. Add ______________ in the middle of
a molecule to ______________ the bond.
12. Two kinds of nucleic acids are ___________ and ______________. DNA stores
_________________________ inside the cell.
13. Both are polymers and their building blocks are ______________________. Each nucleotide has
a base, a _______________ and a phosphate group.
14. We get our DNA by eating _____________, breaking it down into monomers, then
building polymers.
15. These are made of an ____________ group and a _______________ group, then a H, N,
and an side chain. The R group is different for each ______________ acid. We have ____
amino acids that are needed by humans to ___________________.
16. Proteins are huge three dimensional structures that sometimes are made up of
_____________________ of ______________ acids attached together. Proteins have a
specific shape which will give the protein its function.
17. These can be used to build _____________________ and give us ____________.
18. Lipids can be ____________________ or _________________________. Saturated will have
_______________________ around the molecule. Unsaturated will have a ______________
bond in the middle, and tend to be a ___________________ at room temperature, like
olive ___________.
19. Carbs come in 3 types; monosaccharides, disaccharides , and ______________________.
20. Starch in the form of potatoes or ______________ are a bunch of ___________________
21. Starch is broken down using ____________________ so that we can use the _________________
in _____________________________.