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Do we need a new environmental
ethic for the Anthropocene?
Allen Thompson
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
•The average global surface temp.
during the last 12,000 years (the
Holocene) was 15 C.
•The last ice age was approx. 5
degrees C cooler than the average
temperature thru the Holocene.
•Climate change is likely to bring 2 to
5 degrees C increase in average
global temp. by 2100.
•If it does, our planet will be
ecologically unrecognizable.
•What sort of environmental ethics
would be appropriate for such a
Experiments in Engaged Ethics
Allen Thompson
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
If traditional conservation will not be possible, then
what should replace “naturalness” in managing
parks & protected lands?
Experiments in Engaged Ethics
Allen Thompson
School of History, Philosophy, and
What should we do in a new ecological world order of
increased novelty characteristic of the Anthropocence?
Experiments in
Engaged Ethics
Allen Thompson
School of History,
Philosophy, and Religion
Ethical Adaptation
Changing our normative
• Revisiting ideas about sustainable human development
• Why not consider the development of our conception of humanity?
• “What should become of us under a new ecological world order?” Our
values ought to commit us to a robust understanding of adapting ourselves.
• Humanist view of adaptation: “Instead of only attempting to mitigate the
impacts of climate change on who we are at present, adaptation means
adjusting our conception of who we are to appropriately fit the new global
Experiments in Engaged Ethics
Allen Thompson
School of History, Philosophy, and Religion